Marcus Aurelius

because the people who are counting have an interest in making the numbers for new films sound as big and awesome as possible.

Harakiri is fucking awesome
"Hope he doesn't screw up one of my all-time favorite films." Hear, hear!

Crimson Tide is really good. Each half of Man on Fire is interesting, but they don't work together as a whole. Spy Game was fun, but I just love watching Redford do his thing. Everything else (haven't seen TR) was between forgettable and excruciating.

"I despise commenting on Terriers when all I have to say is "Hey man, wasn't this a good episode?""

Yeah, it's neutered, but the book is written terribly to begin with. I don't blame Liman or Tony Gilroy for changing stuff.

Good point. I never noticed before that the director was British.

I think this movie is brilliant AND I like camping and hiking.

Best Australian film ever is high praise. Walkabout was pretty awesome.

Rabin's grades have been wack all season long, but best ever? It's becoming clear that nothing will top Season 1, short of getting an entire new cast.