
Yes I enjoyed Jake a lot in that episode I'll try to answer your questions:
1-Yes he wanted to find out how Cyrus knew about him and Olivia and I guess it was the only way to find out. Charlie didn't realised that he was on camera as well LOL
2- I think he knew Charlie from the B-163 or 63 you know the CIA secret group

OK you don't like it it's your choice but can you please keep on watching it? We need it for the rating…

To me she is not that awesome.She is in it for her and her only. She is just there for the position of FLOTUS (Firs lady of the united states) That's her only goal in life. She doesn't even  know the meaning of marriage. For her it's all about pretending and real emotions shoud not be in that equation. Really??? I

That's my question too she did not say a name and I doubt she will go that far because Olivia has lot of dirts on her as well.

Yes I agree. Cyrus is the mind behond Fitz presidency ALA Dick Cheney oops…

Yes Huck knew that Charlie killed Amanda Tanner because at the dinner's place Charlie  confirmed that Huck should stop looking for her because she was gone (meaning dead). Later on Olivia asked Huck to find Amanda's body that's why Huck went back to his old habits and tortured Charly and got the information and her

I love this show so much. The last episode was fantastic… That's all!