
For some reason I'm going to be so much more upset if Joel cheats on Julia than if Julia cheats on Joel. Joel seems like the Golden Boy, I don't want him to compromise that position!! Plus Roy is a semi amusing schlub, and Peet is annoying and seems kind of aware of what shes doing. Basically cheating with Roy >

I love that Mrs. Kim is so impressed by Dave reading the whole Bible in one sitting because she's "only" done it three times herself. Oh Mrs. Kim!

Whaaaaat I didn't notice her! What scene was she in?

I really like that they aren't really pointing towards Julia cheating on Joel so far. The drift that can happen between a couple when one works and the other doesn't is something that isn't as explored on tv as infidelity, and I think it could be interesting.

The scene between Amber and Sara was just outstanding! Mae and Lauren make me cry every time they do.

And then he goes and mentions Lorelai 3 or 4 times on their first date. OH LUKE.

Luke making fun of Jess about the swan is one of my favorite scenes this season. I just love whenever anyone is mocking Jess, really. I loved him when I first watched the show, and I still like him the best out of all of Rory's boyfriends, but he's so mockable.

I actually kind of liked the "I deserve the y and the o!" thing because Lauren Graham has made that joke a few times about texting people that you're dating. I love when the people that run this show take a trait of the actors and put it into their character.

I wish I could warm up to Hank, but its just not going to happen

I was surprised that I didn't cry, then Ryan came home and I cried like a baby. DAMN IT MAE

Lorelai Out of Water is one of my favorite episodes of this season simply because Lorelai really does look adorable in her fishing outfit. Ridiculous, yes but also INCREDIBLY cute.