
Hmm… this is surprisingly tough. No real order to these, just off the top of my head.
1. Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, Buffy/Angel
2. Abed Nadir, Community
3. Matt Saracen, FNL
4. Buffy Summers, Buffy
5.Andy Dwyer, Parks and Rec
6. Brian Heap, Spaced
7. Shoshanna, Girls
8.The Doctor (11), Doctor Who
9. Captain Jack Harkness, Doctor

@avclub-3413ce14d52b87557e87e2c1518c2cbe:disqus Did you read the Sinister issue? So good. I'm kinda with you an the fear of losing the run, it feels like that's the climax Gillen's been building to. Still, anything to get him away from Greg Land.

@avclub-3413ce14d52b87557e87e2c1518c2cbe:disqus Did you read the Sinister issue? So good. I'm kinda with you an the fear of losing the run, it feels like that's the climax Gillen's been building to. Still, anything to get him away from Greg Land.

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus Journey Into Mystery.
Stars a young Loki as Asgard's undercover agent of chaos. Got a bit of an 80's Alan Moore vibe to it. Very, very good - probably the best thing Marvel's publishing.

@avclub-b0dae075785888267fc19871f3e7dab7:disqus Journey Into Mystery.
Stars a young Loki as Asgard's undercover agent of chaos. Got a bit of an 80's Alan Moore vibe to it. Very, very good - probably the best thing Marvel's publishing.

You know, I completely forgot Mojo was even in there.

You know, I completely forgot Mojo was even in there.

I guess I meant too focused on manga tropes and whatnot. I like the art style in a fair amount of manga, but combinations of the tropiness and the Japanese printing means I've avoided pretty much all manga; it's my biggest blind spot as a cultural consumer. But that deos look very pretty from the posted samples.

I guess I meant too focused on manga tropes and whatnot. I like the art style in a fair amount of manga, but combinations of the tropiness and the Japanese printing means I've avoided pretty much all manga; it's my biggest blind spot as a cultural consumer. But that deos look very pretty from the posted samples.

Is that very manga? I've never really gotten into manga (backwardsness hurts my brain) but that's one that I've heard so many recommendations for I feel like I should just bite the bullet and pick it up. Also, Solanin.

Is that very manga? I've never really gotten into manga (backwardsness hurts my brain) but that's one that I've heard so many recommendations for I feel like I should just bite the bullet and pick it up. Also, Solanin.

Oh, I really liked that one! The villain didn't quite work for me (from what I recall, it was some gangster with a time-travel bat?) but the characterization and the interaction between the two leads made up for the shortcomings. And the Phoenix Bullet was one of those wonderfully "comics" ideas.

Oh, I really liked that one! The villain didn't quite work for me (from what I recall, it was some gangster with a time-travel bat?) but the characterization and the interaction between the two leads made up for the shortcomings. And the Phoenix Bullet was one of those wonderfully "comics" ideas.

Which is interesting, because that proves the ideas are solid, but something about the medium seems to mean that people stay away from it. Personally, I feel as if even the best writers in the genre today (Morrison, Fraction, Gillen, Brubaker…) are too focused on the incestuous inter-continuity of today's superheroes,

Which is interesting, because that proves the ideas are solid, but something about the medium seems to mean that people stay away from it. Personally, I feel as if even the best writers in the genre today (Morrison, Fraction, Gillen, Brubaker…) are too focused on the incestuous inter-continuity of today's superheroes,

Actually, it's like 60/40 guys/girls. Not sure why there aren't any here.

Actually, it's like 60/40 guys/girls. Not sure why there aren't any here.

What’s your gender and age?Male/21
Did you watch the original show? Yes
If so, did you watch it as it aired week by week, or in bulk as the whole series came out, or something in between? Bulk
If you watched week by week, did you

What’s your gender and age?Male/21
Did you watch the original show? Yes
If so, did you watch it as it aired week by week, or in bulk as the whole series came out, or something in between? Bulk
If you watched week by week, did you

My prom ended with an ex-con theratening to castrate me for making his girlfriend's best friend cry, so beat that if you can.