
Yeah, and if I get a spider, it's Spider-man. No matter how much I explain it.

Given this some thought, and It'd come down to one of three quotes
"The truth - No matter what." (TRANSMETROPOLITAN)
"Look! Now! Your sentence is up!" (INVISIBLES)
"If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do" (ANGEL)

Me in sixth grade?

Fair enough.

What in the hell is a tifosi?

I was thinking Modern Family, but it's really just a Choose Your Own HateVenture at this point.

@tlachtga:disqus Sorry! I somehow missed that you were the thread-starter (and, in fact the entire first comment). Didn't mean to repeat your points. Very smart of you.

Honestly, something I've noticed in my rich, full 21 years is that some of the smartest and most analytical people around tend to be objectivists; look at the entire Internet for evidence. Not sure why, and it's super annoying, but it's a phenomenon.

It's weird for me, because I agree with craftsmanship over mediocrity, but the Objectivist stuff from above goes against everything in me. Hard to decide.

This seems most likely, but I like @avclub-04e0ee7f57cb99fce8677b2f946c35af:disqus 's answer more, so it's true.

Yeah, the whole thing comes down to craftsmanship vs. mediocrity. Which, when you think about it, could be a bit of metacommentary on the show and its audience: is it better to craft a beautiful piece of work that appeals to a small amount of people? Or build a mediocre, sloppy pile that gets all the acclaim and

Wait, was that the same guy? Holy shit, I totally missed that. That's pretty genius.

@avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus Ooh, I forgot about the dreamatorium. Yep, that'll do it.

Isn't Objectivism more or less the natural enemy of community, though? Sorry to any Randians, (haha no not really. fuck you) but as I understand it, Objectivism focuses on the glorification of the individual at the expense of the good of the group, which is what the show has been against throughout its run. Hell, you

You realize you've just become the most stalkable person on this website.

Hmm… There's the video games at the end of the season, and are they doing another paintball? I'm not one of the faithful, but I think I remember that somewhere.


Yeah, there's been a definite difference (I think I started noticing in the model UN ep, with the Garret heads). Are the Russo's still on board? It might just be a question of money.

What was up with Pierce tonight? I can't remember anything in previous episodes that said he was undergoing any sort of mental breakdown/pill resurgence, but he was losing it. Character shift or start of an arc?

Yeah, while I'm a bigger fan of The Singles Club, (which is about as close to a perfect comic as I've ever seen) Rue Britannia was pretty fantastic in it's own right, especially for the 19-year-old me that had never heard of any Britpop outside Oasis. If nothing else, I'm eternally grateful to Gillen for introducing