
You didn't feel like the last Chang joke was too obvious? I was kinda disappointed that they stuck with the basic transvestite joke; there had to be something weirder.

Shouldn't it be smaller on the inside and bigger on the outside?

I kind of agree… it's bugged me that there's not a prominent gay character on the show. I don't count the dean, since he's more of a… I don't know what the fuck he is. Pansexual deviant? Anyway, I know they can's really make one of the leads gay at this point, but they could at least not traffic in complete

There was a bit where Pierce said that his mom preferred to pretend that his father was dead, but that was about it. Although his father looked a lot like the ghost in the haunted house flashback.


In one of the new 52 columns? Let me look back…

Yeah, speaking as somebody who's about to turn 21, I definitely think about the traditional definitions of masculinity and how I conform to them sometimes. I kind of feel like I define myself against these stereotypes almost to an extreme, even to the point that I caricature men who act more traditionally masculine in

I'm a Colby. The only mildly famous person with my name is a woman who spells it with a goddamn -ie. If my name starts showing up on network tv, I will freak the fuck out.

Hey Todd, while you're here, any news on those Justice League reviews? I've been looking forward to them since they were announced.

I liked Free Agents!… yeah.

Seriously, my jaw fucking dropped when I saw that ad the first time the other night. It's the year two thousand and eleven, for fucks sake; are we not at a point where we can move beyond regressive goddamned gender roles?

And a much, much better one.

This is something I've thought for ages, and I love that other people are seeing the same thing. The key scene for me is that bit with the testimonials and singalong in (I think) the next episode - that feels so much like some big Southern Baptist revival thing from when I was a kid. I LOVE that