
It's just too bad we were denied a sequel series called "Clone College."

It's scientifish.

To attract female trucks.

Tingle is beautiful.

Strong, black, and proud.

Stella is a show I always struggle to describe. Right now I say it is a mix of Pee-Wee Herman and the Smothers Brothers.

No way, it would have ruined the show.

The population of Maine to Maryland would not be the only ones paying taxes.

David Bowie and YMO are my two favorite music acts, but what connection do they have aside from Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence?

No. Both Low and "Heroes" are incredible and he was merely an alcoholic when he made those.


The character design isn't simple at all when it's in motion.

The final twist wouldn't have worked.

"The Late Philip J. Fry" is the best episode in the series. It is why the series exists.

With the revelation about Dr. Venture and The Monarch's shared past, and Hank's choice of name of Destiny, I think it is only appropriate to point out that the season three premier episode was titled "Shadowman 9: In the Cradle of Destiny," clearly indicating that the Monarch's father is none other than a time

Dr. Venture's relations with Dr. Ernesto Guevera have not been good since the beginning of the series.

H.E.L.P.eR.'s treatment of the whale and squid was a pretty good gag.