
The Crazy Ones is on the wrong end of my tolerability scale regarding Robin Williams. I was hoping for scruffy, bearded Louie-Cameo Robin Williams, instead we seem to get Flubber-Robin Williams. Sigh.

hey, that's Marie Schrader!

New Normal cancelled as well. So it stays 2:0

I still don't get why basically all reality on network TV is still only competition based. Wouldn't something like Duck Dynasty work on a network as well?

But that's not true. Mad Men and Breaking Bad both rank in the top 5 of all scripted progamming on cable fairly regularly, which is pretty good. Nobody cares about total viewers, A18-49 percentage is where it's at.

f*** you, Todd, for prematurely shitting on things you haven't even seen yet. Looking forward to a few new FOCs:

Can I like this twice?

That Little Joy LP is my favorite Strokes-related thing since Room on Fire

woah I always thought the Community-A wouldn't be possible. turns out it is!

Returns May 2014 on FX (not FXX)

I'm also Team Mad Men. Mad Men might be my second favorite TV show of all time (or maybe #1: Sometimes it's The Sopranos, sometimes it's Mad Men) and I'm so glad it's coming back but I'm also already dreading the end of the show - this show is just the only one airing right now (and I fear it will be the last ever)

The AV Club is becoming the ESPN of pop culture criticism. The daily podcast where they debate about last nights TV episodes isn't that far away.

Literally cannot believe that these episodes aired more than 12 years ago. 12 years!!


Who exactly are these people in the picture? (Besides Penny and Alex)

Can I like them both equally? Is that okay?

Ctrl+F "Greenzo". Huh?

5-3-4-1-2 for me.

Isn't there a Darkwing Duck episode where something similar happens?

Man, this was one of the sweetest pilots I've ever seen. Loved how low-key everything was. I'm in for the (I guess only?) season.