
I thought this was a really poor season. Same old herky-jerky-red-herring bullshit and the end with the weird and conservative anti-porn message left a really bitter taste in my mouth.

Look, I totally get what they were going for this season, the plot and character development made sense – however, it unfortunately didn't make for very interesting TV. Seasons 1 through 4 were some of the best TV ever, this was a slog.

This show is hilarious. He is only 7 inches tall! Also: the way the office chair broke down – this is my kind of humor.

Also, and I know it's just TV, but Master of None had way better cinematography than most shows on TV.

If you usually hold a joke counter in your hand while watching a «comedy» you're probably better suited watching Veep, The Big Bang Theory or It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.

Toy Box was not only bad, it sounded like a Lady Gaga leftover. Huge misstep.

The conversation in the car Christine had with her brother in "Funeral" and the scene with the bank teller in "Yard Sale" were some of the best acted TV scenes I've watched in quite some time. I know it Is noted constantly but, man, Louie Anderson leaves me speechless. Incredible.

Huh, weird rating. I loved the EP she put out a few years ago, but this here Is just run-of-the-mill, and sometimes sub-par garage rock that about 1000 people do better than her atm (there's at least 5 bands on her own label for example). She also doesn't have the vocal chops to do what she's trying to do here.

I was very much looking forward to this show despite hating the Good Wife finale so much, I soured on the whole series. I thought the first episode was okay but I was worried about how much I disliked the directing of the episode. A lot of the dynamics that made TGW so fun were missing and I also thought the dark tone

The same thing happened to me. Pirate high five! I was pretty confused at times but didn't really realise it til the very end. The whole time I thought it was pretty bold of them to show basically nothing of Noah… until I started reading the review…

This show Is created by Sharon Horgan so I'm pretty sure SJP is not supposed to be likeable at all.

Misty Knight has to be one of the worst cops ever. IA's nightmare.

Dude, you should stop judging 30-minute shows by the amount of laughs they generate out of you. It's not 1998 anymore.

This episode felt like there were scenes missing. Like, Luke storms out of the restaurant, a few scenes later him and Claire enter the barber shop together? Huh?

Reading this review and the comments made me realise that I'm probably watching this show all wrong or that this show just isn't for me. Like, I see no reason why anyone would actually root for Quinn and Rachel? They're not the fun kind of evil nor do they have any justification for their actions, they're just

I honestly think that this is one of the best episodes of TV of the past 15 years. Layers and layers and layers. Simply amazing.

Am I the only one who's irritated about all the famous faces they use for relatively small parts? Maybe I'm watching too much TV (wait: I DEFINITELY watch too much TV…) but it is really distracting… Hey, it's the Indian dude from Chuck…the guy from Desperate Housewives…the hot girl from The Americans…Jeff Winger…Chief

She was a welcome addition because she's actually a, you know, more capable actress than most of the regular cast here.

Rosario Dawson was a welcome addition to this finale. More Rosario, less Wil Traval please.

So PUMPED that this show is backkk! I LOVED the first season. I know it's not "prestige TV" or anything but these are the kind of shows binge watching was invented for.