
One thing that still bugs me about the app (well… other than the loading times who take longer than on the Dreamcast) that's still not working properly in the new version: Can you make the app a bit more touch-resistent? You only have to slightly blow at the screen of your iPad and it already opens links etc. I tried

One thing that still bugs me about the app (well… other than the loading times who take longer than on the Dreamcast) that's still not working properly in the new version: Can you make the app a bit more touch-resistent? You only have to slightly blow at the screen of your iPad and it already opens links etc. I tried

people just grow tired of shows. add "show starts to air old episodes in syndication" viewed through rose-tinted glasses and voila: every other new episode is "the worst episode ever!!!!1"

people just grow tired of shows. add "show starts to air old episodes in syndication" viewed through rose-tinted glasses and voila: every other new episode is "the worst episode ever!!!!1"

I do!

I do!

Shouldn't we at least wait until the first Harmon-less episode aired?

Shouldn't we at least wait until the first Harmon-less episode aired?

Man, just thinking about the final seasons of LOST make me really angry. I was/would've been perfectly fine with them not answering some of their bigger mysteries: "The island is magic!" "The smoke monster is the protector of the island" - I'm absolutely fine with those answers (Because, frankly, every time they

Six years of Penny and a movie!

This was an incredibly lazy episode - even by Castle's standards. Absolutely nothing made sense: A drug that makes people into willingless zombies? Them getting the murderer's confession in a parking garage? The daughter dropping from the ceiling in full climbing gear?

4 > 3 > 1 > 2

This feature is somewhat pointless. It's just another possibility to write yet another article about stuff that's not forgotten at all and still present today. What's next? MASH? The X-Files? I'd rather see Todd writing stuff about some of the more forgotten series and have him explain to us, why series who aren't

would like to know this too.

yeah, but i can't imagine this as a tv series. why not just make a movie?

Nah, I think the reason for this is because studios have like zero budget for marketing a DVD release of a TV show so it's easier for them to do it when a new season starts.

In defense of slow TV…channels?

Yeah, it's the same here. I live in europe and while our main tv channel gets faster and faster with importing new stuff (They're already showing New Girl for example) it's still not fast enough for two main reasons:

In a world without Parks and Rec, Community, The Office, 30 Rock and Parenthood, maybe