
holy shit you're right. that would be an awesome twist.

Serena turns down the champagne because she's the one who's pregnant, duh. wasn't that pretty obvious?

Fringe: "Brown Betty" (2.20). I appreciate that they tried something else but this one didn't work for me. At all.

The Office (US): "Mafia" (6.6) (The one where Michael thinks the Mafia is after him) or "The Banker" (6.14) (A f'ing clip show)

Man, that was a fun episode. It got silly really fast but i sill enjoyed the hell out of it. solid A from me.

finally caught up
with this show. well, i basically watched the whole second season in three days (this show is addicitive!). haven't seen this episode yet but i'm looking forward to it. when can we expect to meet Klaus?

s1 not on first place? u mad? s1 is probably my favorite (22 episode) season of a network-drama ever. what were your thoughts about the finale, todd?

but hey, why is HIMYM always getting these "crazy" guest "actors"? It's not like the series is a super hit like 21/2M or TBBT and (although i don't follow these two shows) they never seem to get people like Britney Spears or Katy Perry on these shows.

yeah, i loved this episode too.

certainly the best episode yet
very enjoyable, well paced and even a few lough-out-loud moments ("you may not realize how long i've been doing that..:")

ugh, this show
Look, I really REALLY wanna like this but it's just not happening. I actually liked all the "BLOOD RAT"-stuff but there's always one running gag per episode that doesn't work at all for me. In episode two it was Merc's blind wife, this time it was all the talk about LeBlanc's "size".

Let's be honest for a moment
They should have ended Chuck after 3x13. Everything that happened after Paris does feel kinda aimless.