Kuato Lives!
Open your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!
Kuato Lives!
Open your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!
super weird
So I clicked on the link of "HOPA"'s actual Facebook page…and we had a lot of shared friends…and went to the same college…slaved away in the same building on campus…and probably took some theater classes together. Who knew?
Ms. Hannigan
Was the shit.
is *so* 2003.
Form of…a Colossal Arachnid Onslaught!
Who replaced Drew Carey with Orville Redenbacher!?
That privleged little ho
I remember the days in prison when you had to cut out a man's intestines to score a pack of Twizzlers.
In the midst of M. Night's inelegant failure…
This is a bright ray of hope. The arachnid onslaught approves.
Well I'll be: Look what roadkill gumbo-ingredient got some schoolin'.
I don't know about you guys
But this arachnid horde chitters in approval.
There is nothing like a fucking dame!
Nothing in the fucking world!
I eats' em.
Looking to waste some coworkers, eh Sean?
ZMF's right though - that movie totally bent my dick.
Not Ninjavideo.net!!! Nooooooooooo!!!
*Ahem* *points appendage to name*
Still, a spider's gotta hope? I guess I'll see how deep the abyss is tonight - I have to see this darkness myself. I swear if it's that bad I will never fucking forgive that Pondicherry ponce.
This is breaking my fucking collective arachnid hearts.
He'll come out to play some wanker - BUT NOT TO PLAY INDIANA JONES SR.!? (Granted the movie still wouldn't have improved that much)