Randy Miller III

I'm probably going to catch a lot of shit for this, but Jubal Early's "Well…here I am" that ends Firefly always disappointed me. It's kind of cool in its own way, but Mal or another main character should've had the honor of sending off the series (yes, it was cancelled abruptly, etc.). That's why I always watch "Out

Fascinating! Oh wait, I meant not at all.

1992 (from 13) is a killer track…surprised it didn't get a mention.

*makes "cut it out" hand motion*

Ah, what the Christ.

Yeah…I mean, it still looks pretty gOH GOD, IT'S LIKE CHEWING ON LOCUSTS

Making love to your old lady.

Did Miyazaki have anything to do with Grave of the Fireflies, aside from Ghibli doing the animation? It's an awesome and heartbreaking movie, sure…but it's not really his.

Hell, throw in "Rhinestone Eyes" and "Stylo" before them for a quartet of awesomeness. That whole album is fantastic and has a ridiculous amount of replay value.

I listened to this soundtrack dozens of times before I ever saw Taxi Driver (sampled during Pantera's "The Badge"). That was kind of…unsettling.

Yeah, there's a ghetto Hardee's here in Harrisburg and a slightly-less ghetto one about 10 miles north, but that's about it.

Pretty sure their biscuits and fried chicken are the same recipe as Roy Rogers since it (mostly) went under awhile back.

"How would you like your hair cut today, Mr. Travolta?"
"You know what? Fuck it. I'll take 'The Mark McGrath'."

Sorry, but Wonder Pets and Max and Ruby are pretty goddamn annoying.
The animated Clifford series (voiced by John Ritter) is pretty fun, though.

Pac-Man or GTFO

iTunes only? Modern life is rubbish.

Jeez, all the shitty stuff Radiohead's put out in the last few years…and he picks a song from one of their best albums?

The cymbals at 2:52 are just glorious.

"Bookshelf's"? Did you burn all the dictionaries too?

Unless you're Shelly Duvall.