
Look, i'm not trying to stop people from changing their gender, I think the operation should be covered by insurence and I wouldn't give people grief for doing it. In the end it seems to make them happier doing it, so why in gods name would I have problem with that, I'm just interested in why people make the choices

Ok lets get critical: So what does this mean for Transgendered Individuals? If there is in fact no real psychological difference between the male brain and the female brain, are transgendered people just falling harder than most for the stereotypes that to be a man you have to be X and to be a woman you have to be Y,

Yeah i knew reagan ignored it, which is a  pretty despicable thing, but i didn't know that it hit in the early to mid 80s, though it was more the mid to late 80s, so thank you for the info.

i hope he doesn't because I'm still rooting for Bay and Emmett. His whole lecturing daphne about hearing people did ring a little false though, since I figured he had moved past that view after falling in love with Bay.

I've been thinking about this some more, and I guess i shouldn't make a big deal about it, because it would be pretty boring tv, so i really shouldn't expect it from a tv show.

I can still watch it.

First of all, the use of the word cult, was unnecessarily inflammatory, so I apologize for that.
Secondly I've seen a former Alcoholic control their drinking much more moderately on a very personal level, with my own mother, who when I was a child quite often drank very much and in a way that influenced our whole

breaking bad, Teenage girl style!

I might be stupid here, but didn't the aids crisis really get big towards the end of reagans term and the entirety of bush 1s term? But I might be mixing up my history here.

I certainly felt like the whole Larrissa drug thing, was like an after school special. i mean I can see the potential of a storyline like this, but the whole flying thing ect just felt over the top and cliched. 

yay, now people don't slack off on reading ! But I'm happy there is coverage.

@avclub-b9480a17722670e007cb3085208142ed:disqus  Do ASL natives have problems reading and writing english texts? like is it a second language for them - also are there books written for ASL users? I'm asking, because if they have different grammar structures, it sure seems like it might cause pretty big problems,

I'm watching the Carrie diaries right now, and goddamn I'm in the middle of it, and suddenly this episode has an after school quality to it. And I liked the episodes so far, hope this one gets better, or is a fluke in quality.

to be honest, they could have robbed daphne just as easily if she were hearing, usingt the exact same technique. Distract her with flirting and then sneak up on her. I mean she saw the dude almost immediatly once he was standing by the door, if she heard him walk up (a big if, since our hearing isnt actually that

also, I really liked the Bay/Kathrine story, But I like 95% of Bay storylines, so I might be biased. ;)

13 years I think, plus what ever time has passed since they first mentioned it.

They should be comfortable with her taking the truck out, I mean its not like only deaf people get robbed, and Daphne will always live her life deaf, so she has to be able to do the things other people would also be allowed to do. I understand why she thinks her deafness was why they targeted her, but if you look at

Oh man I would just once like to see a show having an alcoholic relapse after years only to find out that it isn't actually true that once you take another drink you are suddenly back to abusing it. I mean I realise thats not whats going to happen here, since this certainly isnt the type of show for that kind of

It seems I haven't.

oh see my reply to todd, since I meant that to be to you.