oh see my reply to todd, since I meant that to be to you.
oh see my reply to todd, since I meant that to be to you.
Since I always like to take things to the extreme end, can guys be friends with their sisters? In my opinion yes, so we have at least one sort of relationship where men and women can be friends, so its not unreasonable to assume that there just might be others. From my personal experience, its easily possible for guys…
Since I always like to take things to the extreme end, can guys be friends with their sisters? In my opinion yes, so we have at least one sort of relationship where men and women can be friends, so its not unreasonable to assume that there just might be others. From my personal experience, its easily possible for guys…
yeah I'm not saying its not worth watching, but it hasn't been achieving its potential for a while now, and sometimes I get the feeling as if hardly anyone else here feels the same.
here in germany Beer and lemonade is the kind of drink you drink while taking a break painting the house. i agree though that vodka sounds horrible with it. But basically people here drink Radler (beer and lemonade) like they would drink coke in the us.
good thing I ctrl+f before asking. hope it works out.
its a very good show, I think the av club was just worried, that not enoguh people would read the reviews, since its somewhat outside of the normal av club audience.
its a really good show, for what it is. And its worth trying out since it might be the best portrayal of the deaf community ever put on tv.
it was visually great and great dancing and all that, but the only song i liked was the single ladies one.
Yes, because its so horrible for something to have insights into life, or *gasp* have an actual message. i'm sure many parks and rec fans will say that the show does have a real message and thats a very valid point of view, but your comment implies that its good, BECAUSE it doesn't have anything important to say,…
so i quit right before it gets good? nice :o
thats some pretty brilliant shit.
Is there a place to start enlightened, if I didn't like the first 3 episodes? IE. does it get better,, different, or is it a show, that I wouldn't like if I don't like the first episodes?
she tones it down a bit and they know how to use her without it being too much, but actually enjoyable.
Its basically a world in which nothing actually bad ever can happen, at least to these characters. Sure there are problems, but its impossible for them not to be overcome. I mean sure, be an optimistic show, but still acknowledge that failures are a part of life and that optimism can only be inspiring if it exists…
I can't wait for the full blown Parks and Rec Critic TVDW is going to write one of these days. This one hints at it, but I really hope its coming soon. I mean its a good show, but I think the love it gets around here is a little too much, though I'm not quite certain what it is that I object to so much.
My biggest…
I'm really against this whole Netflix releasing all episodes at once thing. I tend to read the reviews of shows more, if im not bingewatching, and I tend to binge watch if its possible, even though I actually like watching shows on a week to week basis more, I just have no self control.
Ok I just watched a bunch of pramface, mainly because I just got access to hulu a few days ago (germany has stupid internet laws), and its not a very good show, but I really liked the pregnant actress and my drunkenness was enough to get me past most of the more troubling shit. Though my bias for the actress might…
I first gave up on it after 4 episodes, but then I watched a few select episodes of season one and all the episodes afterward and it turned into my favorite show. it starts getting much better in the second half of the first season and then it stays great.
I would never do such a thing.