this is also going to be one of the few sites that won't be dominated by teenage girl will they won't they talk, so if we don't have these reviews, it will be hard to talk about this show at all.
this is also going to be one of the few sites that won't be dominated by teenage girl will they won't they talk, so if we don't have these reviews, it will be hard to talk about this show at all.
ok, I've got a question for the rating guys, since I still can't really make head and tails out of ratings. Is switched at birth safe from cancelation or is it in danger? I really hope its safe, but my track record is pretty bad so I would rather know now.
I've never really been all that impressed with the travis storyline, so that moment didn't really connect with me. I did like the Bay-angelo stuff, though it didn't make me cry, which this show has made me do an embarrassing amount of times, while bingewatching all the episodes over the last weeks. So i guess the…
Two things about Bay:
1. I didn't believe for one minute she would actually sell that frida kahlo letter
and 2. I was surprised that she actually didn't want to get to meet the mother of her half sister.
Fun episode, but I fear it was missing the overly emotional moment this show usually does so well. But that was ok, because Charade was pretty exciting to watch.
well the more episodes they do cover, the bigger the likelyhood that its actually an accurate portrayal of viewership is. I don't know see any damages this review is doing, so i don't at all understand why its important to be so vocal against it.
i'll be there, hopefully enough others will join. So far this series shows potential for the kind of show it is, so if you're the type of person to like bunheads or switched at birth, this might be a good third show to go along with those.
I'm actually a pretty new addition on here, because i never realised how active this place was, so take my outsider status into consideration, but i would hope it stays here, because this is still harmon territory.
he linked to a thread where i made a drunken fool out of myself against TVDW, just my luck.
yeah and i'm german, so roommates are strange for me. And don't get me wrong, i do like undeclared.
Well I've never been that big of an undeclared fan as many here are. I don't think it ever reached what freaks and geeks could do. It might also be a certain bias, since my own university living arangements were much closer to the ones on fresh meat. The idea of actual roommates and not flatmates still seems very…
ah of course, the classics are classics for a reason.
yeah pretty much. incredible dumb german law.
its one of the best three animated shows on tv right now, on the same level as archer and bobs burgers. So yes it is worth watching.
so are you sugessting Edna should have slid its throat? I mean it would have been more flashy, but I think subtleness was called for, so I think AD made the right choice there.
I'm still just in episode 2, but so far its very very good.
just started watching Fresh meat on hulu, seems like a better undeclared, liking it alot sofar.
thank you. I hope this also gets rid of the dumb gema thing germans have to deal with on youtube, but I'm not really sure how to test that easily.
She had a long standing vendetta against the dictatorship of food groups.
agreed! I mean sure her getting pregnant sucks for her, but really this dude was either 15 or 16 when he had sex with her. Its a dumb situation but there is so much worse shit than this.