
how old is sixth grade again? because two years ago he would have been 15 and sixth grade is what 12? I mean thats really young and shit, but its not unheard of. 'I don't know, don't think he should have to go to jail for it,, if it was consensual.

I completely agree on parks and rec, its been lacking very much for quite a while now. I don't really understand the love it still gets. I mean its good, but its not great.

ok, that sounds much more valid, sorry for my earlier reaction. I think I'm still a little hurt, because Ben and Kate had actually managed to become my favorite comedy in such a short time, so I was on edge reading something critical of it. That obviously shouldn't be your problem though, so again i apologize for

This post is probably a perfect example of why i quit studying german literature ( i live in germany so see it as english lit for all intends and purposes except that its worse, since its in german). I mean I understand the complaints about Ben and Kates systematic fears to go outside of its comfort zone, but I think

You know, ToddVandDerWerffs reviews turned into a female Perspective so gradually, I didn't even notice!

Well, let me try to influence the decision, by saying, that a lot of us in the reviews seemed to like the show and carries reviews very much. It has synergy with the monday reviews in that Carrie diaries, switched at birth and bunheads all target a certain demographic (one i don't personally belong to, although i


well, at first they only wanted to review the pilot, then decided to review the second episode, because so many people read/commented in the pilot review and said that they might review on a weekly basis. Then I never read anything about it again and its not on the 7 day calender.

you should totaly make a "reposted CZ comments" gimmick.


I like the comparison to FNL (even though both shows are obviously different in lots of ways). I'v just marathoned switched at birth, and have liked both episodes of carrie diaries so far, so mondays are starting to look like one of the days I look forward to very much. Bunheads brings the fun, carrie diaries the

@avclub-ec6e411553d04950c3225c1fbdc8d116:disqus @avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus
does it get good straight away, or should I start somewhere along the line? I have no problem starting a show once it gets good and catching up on the earlier episodes later, its how i got inot fringe, one of my top 5

So does anyone know if this site is now going to start reviewing the carrie diaries weekly? I mean some of you do the whole twitter stuff ect, so I'm hoping someone said something somewhere.

damn i like everyone of those things, except for boardwalk empire, because i haven't really given it a chance(but I really like the idea of it). So yeah… I retract my earlier comment or something.

Thats sort of like someone who hasn't seen the sopranos or any drama since then saying dramas aren't their thing. Since arrested development the sitcom buisiness has changed very much, i mean sure there are still lots of horrible shows out there, but also some real gems.

If I were an actor I would definetly stay in character, it seems like a fun experience. You can be a pretty big asshole and have people feel guilty for being mad at you because of it.

aww I read that as underwear wedding.

@avclub-16db446cafb1ffb1466e71eaf97a4f49:disqus  he probably ate the imported ones from thailand, they grow there all year round.

So is this show going to get regular coverage, because its not on next weeks schedule, even though lots of people in the comments here seem to like it. I just caught up with switched at birth, so now monday has the potential to be my unmanliest day of the week, because I'll be watching and reading the reviews of

I'm not a big fan of her, but her channel does have my favorite youtube show in Tabletop with will wheaton.