Howard Beale

I know some people think Dookie is Green Day's best, but to me, everything they did was just a warm up to American Idiot. That album transcends their entire musical genre.

That's cool, i don't care what anyone thinks about my loving Hall & Oates, though I have only seen them the twice. 262 times, that is a full blown obsession!

Speaking of songs that are nothing special, uh, Bon Jovi.

Previous was intened as a new comment, not a reply. Still having trouble with the new format. And curse this thing for cutting off the right margin of replies, can you guys not fix that???

Sounds Cool
Entertaining review - the Simpsons quote is perfect. I like the concept a lot, but can't see myself reading the book. I hate to say it, but I wish he'd made a documentary instead, a la Super Size Me, which seems like an obvious influence. I'd watch that.

Forgot to mention…
nice write up Nathan and cool Aimee Mann reference.

Frankenstein Bad
I don't recall much heat from the sexually attracted faux-siblings in MSF, but sometimes that combo really works like gangbusters. See Clueless and the smoking hot episode of Lost where Boone bangs Shannon. Awesome.

What the hell…
I hate to be "that guy" on this thread, but I have to say the Friday the 13th movies just plain suck. They leave nowhere to go but up, but seem to keep going down as the series goes on an on, like the Energizer Bunny, and equally annoying and scary. As a teen my friends and I all mocked the stupidity

There's never even been a biopic of Albert Einstein, who's very name is synonymous with "facsinating philosophical genius," and yet the talk of marginal pop talents getting the treatment never seems to stop. America isn't going to hell, it's becoming it.