
@avclub-fc338fa43180570a8ea616e97bb20dfa:disqus When he found that idol, I turned to my husband and said "He better tuck that under his balls or something this time."  If he was REALLY smart, though, he would have pretended to keep looking for the idol instead of coming right back to camp and fist-bumping with Eddie.

What I want to know is if she brought mascara as her luxury product.  I assumed she had tattooed eyeliner because it's always there, but this week I swear I saw heavy mascara, too.

@avclub-fc338fa43180570a8ea616e97bb20dfa:disqus I was wondering the same thing.  She was limping really heavily on that challenge, but she's so boring this season, they couldn't even be bothered to show her being injured.

I love the idea, though, that Joe thought it was brilliant that they had set up this commune of psychopaths in a small town that Roderick is the sheriff of.  Yeah, 'cause people in a small town wouldn't be talking left and right about the fact that there are a bunch of completely unrelated, seemingly unconnected

Why is AVClub recapping The Following, but not Banshee???  (Yeah, I know they have nothing to do with each other, but I know nowhere else to ask for a new show.)

They made Patrick SO awful that it made me not care that they threatened him in that way.

I think long dresses are appropriate for prom, but her dress was very bridal.  If it had been in white, it would have made a lovely wedding dress.

Don't forget Tu's trashbag-front shorts that he was wearing at last night's show.  Or Kate's hideous schmata with a random back collar thingamabob.

I thought I was the only one who didn't like that dress - phew!  I thought the top was ill-fitting and the straps looked amateurish.  The skirt, while interesting, sort of gave a visual effect like it was bunching up in her nether regions - like maybe she tucked it into her panties on her last restroom trip.  It's the

^THIS.  It's never even occurred to me - up until that point - that PR judges never really fight.  They may have good-natured disagreements from time to time, but he was out-and-out hostile to Nina this week, which was AWESOME.

They should really stop trying to make him smoke in character, though.  Watching somebody smoke that unconvincingly on screen distracted me from what was going on in that scene.

I am loving Phillip so much this season.  He is completely and utterly insane, but in a really watchable way (unlike Brandon, who makes me want to cover my eyes in discomfort).  Everything that comes out of his mouth causes a head-whip and laugh between me and my husband as we gauge each others' reactions.  And I've

I started watching GG a couple of months ago and am midway into Season 3 and loving it, so it was great to see this come up on my tv club homepage.  The only problem for newcomers is that there are a lot of spoilers in the comments section, but that's to be expected :)

BAWLING.  So. much. crying. in this episode for me.  I don't know why it always surprises me when this show hits that kind of nerve for me, but it does.  Just when you think the show is sort of ridiculous (albeit hugely entertaining), it goes and does something like that courtroom scene.

I would agree with this if it weren't for the fact that Patricia NEVER takes anybody's advice.  Back when the teams were bigger, she always poo-pooed everybody's comments and politely listened to what Tim said and then just did what you want.  Some people have no interest in working collaboratively and I think she's

I think I'm one of the few people that doesn't hate Michelle at all.  I agree she's a bit of a shit-talker, but I guarantee they ALL do it in the confessionals and she isn't saying anything that a lot of viewers aren't actually thinking themselves.  I suspect that being on the bottom so often for other peoples'

I guarantee you every button in the button bag this episode said "Patricia" on it.

As soon as I saw the format they were doing, I looked at my husband and said, "Oh great.  Lemme guess… they are going to go win-for-win, Ramsey-style."  I'm not even certain that Brooke's dish was legitimately the winner in the second round.  It almost looked like Hugh just gave her the win so that there would be a

This particular V & Kev storyline is driving me crazy.  Like the fact that, instead of just turning her over and doing it that way, they throw a sheet over her?  Oh wait, let's have a threesome instead of just doing her from behind (it's really hard not to use the phrase doggie-style, as juvenile sounding as it is)

Was nice to see Amanda on top just for the simple fact that her team was a bunch of assholes last week, piling on about how she's the worst.  When the first person in a group chooses somebody to throw under the bus like that, everybody else just seems to use that as an opportunity NOT to have to pick anybody else -