
I don't think Julia is getting enough credit this week from my fellow commenters.  While we don't know yet if her decisions are the best ones for Victor, she's really putting herself out there and trying different things.  I loved the smile Victor gave when he saw her doing Spanish lessons on the laptop.  Julia is

It should be interesting to see, though, how pissed off Merle is going to be when he realizes that Daryl is fully onboard the Rick Train now.

It should be interesting to see, though, how pissed off Merle is going to be when he realizes that Daryl is fully onboard the Rick Train now.

@disqus_jXp9aQOLV1:disqus I used to hate Carol too and everytime she spoke for the first time in an episode, I would turn to my husband and say, "Won't anybody see a lady home?" (The Mist) in my best whiny voice.  This season she seems to have redeemed herself, though, so I'm sort of curious to see more of her.

@disqus_jXp9aQOLV1:disqus I used to hate Carol too and everytime she spoke for the first time in an episode, I would turn to my husband and say, "Won't anybody see a lady home?" (The Mist) in my best whiny voice.  This season she seems to have redeemed herself, though, so I'm sort of curious to see more of her.

"I think I'm a little in love with him.  And that's creepy of me, since
crushing on reality show contestants feels like crossing some terrible

"I think I'm a little in love with him.  And that's creepy of me, since
crushing on reality show contestants feels like crossing some terrible

I first noticed the shoulder injury after the failed big wicker ball challenge, so my guess is that he scraped a bunch of skin off of his shoulder on that ball (gross) and the sun, elements, and challenges are making the healing process equally as gross.

I first noticed the shoulder injury after the failed big wicker ball challenge, so my guess is that he scraped a bunch of skin off of his shoulder on that ball (gross) and the sun, elements, and challenges are making the healing process equally as gross.

For me, Neil is easily the best part of this show - in the same way that P&R uses Retta for some great one-liners.  I just find him totally endearing and wish we learned more about Neil (although it would probably ruin that character's appeal. 

For me, Neil is easily the best part of this show - in the same way that P&R uses Retta for some great one-liners.  I just find him totally endearing and wish we learned more about Neil (although it would probably ruin that character's appeal. 

I'm liking Carol (what we know of her) much more this season, so I was actually sort of annoyed that Daryl and the others just assumed she was dead because they found a scarf.  No effing way I want it to turn into another sophia-hunt, but they could have at least acknowledged that somebody should look for her - just

I'm liking Carol (what we know of her) much more this season, so I was actually sort of annoyed that Daryl and the others just assumed she was dead because they found a scarf.  No effing way I want it to turn into another sophia-hunt, but they could have at least acknowledged that somebody should look for her - just

"for an older woman"

"for an older woman"

I think it's sort of strange that nobody knows who Lisa is besides the older group (count me in as one of those at age 37).  I know older shows that were 'before my time.  And she looks just like an older version of Blair (as opposed to someone like Jennifer Grey who looks completely different).  You would think a few

I think it's sort of strange that nobody knows who Lisa is besides the older group (count me in as one of those at age 37).  I know older shows that were 'before my time.  And she looks just like an older version of Blair (as opposed to someone like Jennifer Grey who looks completely different).  You would think a few

Jeff and Carter have the worst poker faces EVER.  Both last week and this week when Penner walked up to them and asked them if everything was cool, the two of them both sort of bowed their heads and mumbled and looked sad.  The fact that Penner hasn't recognized this just irritates me now.

Jeff and Carter have the worst poker faces EVER.  Both last week and this week when Penner walked up to them and asked them if everything was cool, the two of them both sort of bowed their heads and mumbled and looked sad.  The fact that Penner hasn't recognized this just irritates me now.

Having recently gone through Denver's 13th Floor haunted house, this was easily the funniest part of the episode for me because it was SO ACCURATE.