Real Irwin

When the fuck can I see some Blackfish!?

*pushes child out a window*

Yeah. It's probably going to get worse. The way to fix it might be focusing on just a few storylines for each episode, but I don't know if HBO is going to go for that.

That's true. I honestly don't know why so many people dislike Quentyn. He's a very relatable, normal guy in over his head. I mean, his story is kind of a dead end, but the end of his journey feels pretty sad. I definitely felt sorry for him.

Well, they did that in the first few seasons and it worked fine. I'm not exactly sure when they changed it up, but it's been really noticeable this whole season. Tyrion's story in this episode feels pretty rushed, because it only starts at the very end. That's just bad pacing. His story this season ends with a huge

That would add a lot more context to his character and his relationship with his family. And it would give a lot more dimension to Arianne, too.

Oh, give it a break. We're not bitching about the differences in adaptation, we're discussing them. You don't have to read them if you don't want to. That's why the reviews are split up into two different categories.

Book reader here, but all of the big moments don't really bother me. The problem I find is in the pacing. The way the storylines are constructed each episode this season feels kind of off. The writers basically take turns in showing each character's story in one chunk each, instead of pacing each story out and

For me, the big question about next season is Meereen and the characters in Essos.

And it's also going to be challenging because they'll have to mash together storylines from different books in a coherent way. Of course, I'm sure they've been preparing for this for a while, so they hopefully have a plan for it by now.

Raising Arizona and The Hudsucker Proxy are also great comedies of theirs. I'd definitely recommend them.

The giant was called Mag the Mighty.

Yeah, that doesn't happen until later…keeping watching and rubbing.

He was definitely thinking about killing her. Once she picked up the knife, he made up his mind. Still, hard to blame him for that.

The close-up shot of the wound on the Hound's leg makes me wonder if we'll be seeing a certain gravedigger with a limp next season…

Shae died first in the books, too. The chapter ends with Tywin biting it and shitting gold.

3. Still looking for Sansa, I guess. I assume her story will roughly follow A Feast for Crows, and she'll run into Lady Stoneheart at the end of the season.

I watched Brazil for the first time. It was thoroughly amazing. I loved the jaw-dropping production design and the wry humor throughout. It was a very witty and playful take on 1984 that didn't sacrifice any of the bleakness. It does a very good job of making bureaucracy seem oppressive.

How can anything but "Ozymandias" have a chance to win?

Good point about them needing to know when to excise some characters. It definitely hurt the show the most during the second season, where they put way more focus on Dany than they should have, without her having much story in the first place. Hopefully they've learned a bit since then.