You were spoiled for his resurrection, too, right?
You were spoiled for his resurrection, too, right?
Ice Cube has changed a great deal over the years. Now, every day is a good day for him.
Wolf of Wall Street was genuinely hilarious. I don't think that there was anything as funny this year as the Quaaludes breakdown, even in The World's End, which I fucking loved.
Well…it was Anne Hathaway. You know, Catwoman.
You are joking, correct?
Someone told me beforehand how Lisa's mother had breast cancer, and it totally ruined the viewing experience for me.
When AMC was running their Breaking Bad marathon a few weeks ago, they showed the exact same thing in the promos…throughout the entire thing. I feel bad for anyone who was actually watching that to catch up.
I'm fonder of The Village than most, but that twist makes no sense. I mean, I know what Shymalan was going for, but he could have made the exact same point if he had actually used the 19th century setting. It's complete bullshit.
He didn't die. He practically left Joseph Gordon-Levitt directions to the Batcave, and Morgan Freeman sees that Bruce previously fixed the autopilot on the Bat. I would've liked it if the ending was a little more ambiguous, but Nolan makes it pretty clear that Bruce is alive with other sources.
But they did explain who we was!
Huh. Fair enough, I don't like it when others sway my opinion before I see something, too.
Ugh, that is the worst when that happens. The most recent offender that comes to mind is whoever the hell cut the Stoker trailer. It gave away most of the damn plot! Luckily, the film was strong enough that it didn't really matter in the end. Excellent movie.
The TV Club reviews always reveal what happens in the episode. You're supposed to read them after you finish the episode.
What are you talking about? They revealed the smoke monster before the end of the first season.
I've been spoiled a fair amount of times, but none of them has been particularly damning. The one that jumps to mind is the one towards the end of Game of Thrones first season—it didn't bother me all too much, and it also helped that immediately after finishing the first season, I went and read all the books. I'm…
The KOTOR games are genuine classics in my books, while Battlefront, Jedi Knight, and Republic Commando are pretty cool in their own right.
You bought a PS2 game that was released in 2009? And it didn't work?
Well, I didn't even flag it, but I assume someone else must have. And it really did not seem to be a joke.
Yes. I know.
I'm familiar with what the movie is about, and I've heard opinions about it that are a little more enlightened than yours, that's all. I believe some other commenters have already pointed out what's wrong with this leap of logic you're presenting.