Jose Peterson

You'll have to explain that to me.

Quick, someone have Trump tweet about the album!

do do do do
do do do do
do do do do

But 4:44 in what time zone? WHAT TIME ZONE???

Too soon.

…and finally be loved for it!

I don't know that one, but it couldn't have been as soul crushing as "Cars 2".

The Point

Hey, how about an NSFW warning for that image???

Those towers look like crosses, as if it's some sort of giant revival meeting.

Have fun!

I don't know anything about Z. I can imagine Baby Driver losing something in the translation to even a big screen TV.

(a movie I liked even though it was largely disappointing)
I had the same reaction. I suppose I was expecting too much, but it didn't make me squeal with joy like some of his other movies, or great action flicks like Fury Road.

One of my Top 5 Far Side cartoons is the one with the giant eye of a monster filling up the mirror that says "objects may be closer than they appear".

Wait, is he running into the Museum of Modern Art? Is this the last day of the Paul Klee show?

I'm going to go listen to the airport radio station now.

Well, for that and many other things.

or Lonzo Ball?

Who will take the precious Napa Valley???

I knew Jay-Z was behind all these Kinja rumors.