Hairy of the Hendersons

Ha… the director's last name is Webb.

Ha… the director's last name is Webb.

So… like a hit?

As a HUGE fan of the Shield, I was very intrigued when I first HEARD he was involved with a new show. Then I saw the ads and thought I'd be incredibly disappointed. I almost didn't even watch the show because of these ads. Gladly, my curiosity got the better of me and I got hooked. But fuck this guy and his excuses.

I'm let down by this season primarily because they strayed so wildly from the comic. Not because I'm one of those "do it exactly like in the book or I'll be disappointed" guys. But when I know that there is so much in the books that could have happened to make this season more dramatic and more interesting, it's

I know I shouldn't be too surprised, but really… no Fringe????

I kinda saw it more as a "Last Temptation of Christ" kinda deal, not so much a Purgatory. But after reading Jezebel's article, I'm convinced it's Buddhist.

So are they not Reviewing MacGruber? Cause it came out today…

I concur with the earlier statement that no show has more heart than SPACED.

"Don't let the generous promises of DVD sets promising 20 spaghetti Westerns on five DVDs fool you. "

It's funny. Up until that point, I had always assumed that the reason I loved Leone's showdowns were mostly because of Ennio's scores. Then he goes and does one just as great with absolute silence. Great fucking film.


Is this the guy
who owns Straub Brewing Company? Otherwise, I've never heard of him.

If I was a futuristic cyborg given the option to go back to any time period to help destroy the world as humans know it, I would undoubtedly go back and destroy the 80s.

"…disease-curing crusaders Harrison Ford and Brendan Fraser…"

I've always described this film as My Girl with Vampires. And, oddly, I have no problem with that.

Argh. I want to hate you so bad. But the thought of you honestly reporting to a commanding officer while thinking of me is just too damn flattering.

I find them oddly humorous.

How about emo pussy zombies?

People hate America because of all the self-righteous, pompous, obnoxious twats from America ruining it for the rest of us by shooting there mouths off about how great and superior they are to other countries/cultures/peoples.