King Shit of Fuck Mountain

@avclub-072f76c18f8d7d526bd0d58166eb82ae:disqus Mr. Burns does answer with Ahoy-hoy, which I think is a ridiculously oblique joke: Alexander Graham Bell advocated using "ahoy" as a telephone greeting, but "hello" won out, and I assume someone on the staff was enough of a language wonk to know this and is implying that

So does the still-living, though retired, Phil Collins.

: I'm not sure what part of it bothers you. If it's his voice, well,
it's like that in every song; if it's the cheesy, reggae-lite sound, I'm
just gonna blame the '70s and suggest that it just adds a bit of dated
charm; if it's the message, I'd rather hear a rockstar take the piss out

They give me shivers
When they bounce around
Puckered up or
Draggin' on the ground

Seriously. Every song he wrote follows the same AABB rhyme scheme. Or even more As and no Bs at all.

Seeing all the Walsh-love here warms my heart. He was the first musician I took a major interest in, and half the reason I took up guitar. I've never got the chance to see him live, with or without the Eagles, but he's still making records, so I'm still holding out hope.

I don't know if it was just all the cocaine, or the fact that everyone wanted to finish up the recording and get the fuck away from Don Henley, but the drums on The Long Run sound awful and tinny and Bill Szymczyk is usually better about that than he was there. "I Can't Tell You Why" could've been a great ballad  if

Really? "Teenage Jail"?

So that's why I keep gettin' richer
But I can't get my picture
On the cover of the Rolling Stone.

I dunno, toting a sledgehammer of vengeance around sounds an afro and a funky soundtrack away from a blaxploitation film.

Fuck Peter Frampton.

@avclub-8f1938368ef55281b0d75a2d426450c8:disqus: I have no idea who everyone else is on about, but I was being intentionally obtuse and complaining the football coach at Georgia Tech.

"Foxman and Wolf" sounds like some sort of furry comedian duo.

I'm still pissed at Paul Johnson for calling a bullshit fake "tying his shoes" play that was actually against the rules. And for getting away with it. Then again, that's what ACC refs are known for.

It's true. I've seen the pictures.

Has anybody wanted to get rid of their useless shit yet?

"The number of legitimately classic Who solo albums can be counted on one finger—and that would be Pete Townshend’s Empty Glass."

@joaquinstick:disqus Crafting is a pretty rough trade, eh?

@joaquinstick:disqus Crafting is a pretty rough trade, eh?

What about men who wear leopard print?