King Shit of Fuck Mountain

What about men who wear leopard print?

@avclub-7aefa9e2af18cd9e2fde628a5e813aa5:disqus - Now now, don't mistake being pro-Cher for being anti-Bono.

I know the style hasn't really changed much over the show's run, but the animation and the character design strike me as completely repulsive now. The show is not pleasant to look it, and not in an intentional "true art is meant to provoke" way.


2/10; do more than simply contradicting the points in the original article if you really want to get some bites. Maybe go on a tangential rant on how it didn't happen to you so it can't be true for anyone else.

Her name has "derp" in it.

"That would be a hamhamham, though."

It's tough to nail down exactly what caused the ponyboom, except to say that it's far better than it has any right to be. The art style is cute without being cutesy, the writing's great, the gags are well-executed, and it's able to be gently didactic without being condescending.


Terra Nova?

How much of the ridiculous surfeit of cash actually comes directly from the middle-Americans attending the game itself (i.e., ticket revenue and concessions sales)? After bitching about it all the time as a cynical pre-teen, I was told that more of the money is coming from endorsements, TV deals, merchandising,

"FG is the heart of irreverence"

It's always been a pet peeve of mine that the only rhyme scheme David Gilmour knows is AABB, usually picking the most obvious possible rhyme for any situation. "Learning to Fly" is the only song that doesn't suffer for this. Not that it doesn't use the AABB scheme (black/back//field/reeled), but it actually makes for

I'd nominate Caravan (amongst other Canterbury Scene bands). They were a prog-rock band with a sense of humor, able to write short, catchy songs (cf. "Hello Hello,"), I actually prefer their 20 minute epics to Pink Floyd's (cf. the "Nine Feet Underground" suite), and there's not a weak track on their first three

Remember when Cartoon Network showed cartoons?

Doesn't anyone read the Constitution?
"Eden plans to become Miss America, the President of the United States and win an Academy Award all before she is 20 because she will be too old after that."


Poor Genesis.
You nick a line from "I Can't Dance" for the titleof your Inventory and you can't even give them a spot on your list?

"To each their own," I know, but…
"Sally Can't Dance" is considered an excellent album? I always thought it was the sound of a man treating his music as a product, and not a very good one at that.

Does it bug anyone else
that the title is conjugated incorrectly? Verkaufen would be used only in the case wir/sie/Sie, so it should be "Burns verkauft der Kraftwerk." Unless Mr. Burns is actually a collective of people,