King Shit of Fuck Mountain

Hey, wait a minute—
Say what you will about his current mo-cap fetish, but surely Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (1988) is a significant-enough post-Back To The Future (1985) movie for any lover of cinema to care about.

Am I the only one annoyed by the "born-outside-of-US-means-I'm-not-a-citizen" plotlines?

Everybody plays the fool
There's no exception to the rule;
It may be factual, it may be cruel.
But everybody plays the fool.

I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him drink his wine.

I may be hungry, but I sure ain't weird.

Fs are better than Ds. An F can mean so-bad-it's-good; a D means so-blah-it's-meh.

Do you like Michael Keaton?
I don't know, I've never Michael Keated.

How is that "Cats and Dogs" movies
an animated feature?


Diamond Sings Nilsson Sings Newman
Has anybody else gone three layers deep on the X-sings-Y genre yet?

What in the world ever became of Sweet Jane?

As a Yankee-gone-south, I love me some Waffle House. It's great to be able to stop there for a midnight study session, and get something magnificently unhealthy and all the sweet tea you can stand for < $10.

The expLoitation Channel?

I'm going insane
There's no one to blame
So fuck you

@Jimmy James:
Better known as The Hurricanus.

If it's the same as the other instance I've heard it in, it's a blending of "scratch" and "itch" which means "a gentle petting/scratching of a pet."


How bad should I feel
that my only knowledge of Jim Woodring's work comes from that Microsoft Comic Chat program that came with Windows 98?

Actually, re: Holocaust survivors with Nazi kinks: from a lot of the internet testimony I've read, for what it might be worth (very little, etc.), there seem to be a lot of people who develop fixations and fetishes based on something that once scared or traumatized them; a lot of clown fetishists were terrified of