King Shit of Fuck Mountain

"Director Walt Becker"
Geez, Steely Dan decides to go on hiatus for a couple years, and he runs off and does this?

A better new-wave song about paranoia
Man, you put "Somebody's Watching Me" but not Men At Work's "Who Can It Be Now?" The only thing that makes Rockwell's song worth hearing is the MJ-donated chorus (and the Geico commercial).


I hope
That they make a game out of the movie, and it manages to suck.

I assume the album was named after
The Boomtown Rats' "Diamond Smiles"?

Also, non-ironically referring to everyone's favorite ham-handed twist-meister as 'Manoj Nelliatu Shyamalan,' while factually accurate, is unforgivably pretentious.

The Village sucked because they just awkwardly plopped the twist slightly more than half-way in. Re-cut the movie to show her discovering the 'creatures' were just dudes in suits in the last 5 minutes, interspersed with the "we have to do this to protect our future" speech? It could've been brilliant—"Oh, it was the

Instant Pleasure Dome
Billy Joel's second album has a sweet, romantic piano ballad called "You're My Home." The message is, unsurprisingly, no matter how much he may travel and where he may go, he will return to this woman because she's his "home" (and home is where the heart is, etc.).

The Police and probably Sting in general, too
You can have fun categorizing their bad lyrics. I put them into three main categories:

I like your mom better.

It certainly does sound like a bad, post-grunge inversion. Only a little bit Walsh-y, though; he tended to have more riffing and layering and less power-chording.

I thought it was that D/D- meant it was merely unpleasant, whereas F represents either pure tastelessness or an assault against the medium itself.

Every "Hello" song the audience was thinking?
But they didn't even acknowledge "Hello, It's Me" by Todd Rundgren!

What pumpkin?
You're quite certain there has never been, and never will be, a pumpkin in this room!

I never watched "Hey Dude!", because it wasn't a cartoon.

I like how one point of the show is "'There will be plenty of vodka, techno music…'", and the next is "Dizik says their show's goal is to deal with Russian stereotypes head-on."

"and listen to…'80s."

Judging by these slashes covering the victim's body, I suppose he's no longer—

Bleeped-out swearing on non-live shows
If an HBO show were to be bowdlerized for syndication, I can understand bleeping out the swear words. "R"-rated movies edited for content, alright. Semi-live things, that's why they have tape delay. Reality shows are pushing it, since it's supposed to be "live and uncut" (or at
