
I meant aren't dating..oops

Glad to see Elijah act like the boss that he is, it suits him
I don't know why Rebekah wanted Marcel to come with her either. Sure they have a history but it was sooooo long ago.
I don't want anything to happen between Haley and Elijah. Girl's pregnant with his brother's kid! Yeah Klaus and Hayley are dating but still,

I thought this was a cute episode. I really liked the actress who played Dorothy. Charlie was good, but I kinda hope we don't see her for a while!

Wow I liked this episode! Though luring Klaus to NO just to find Davina and finish the harvest doesn't seem like a good enough reason.
As info dumps go, we would have needed on anyway to explain why Marcel had Davina
So glad Elijah is back! Klaus had some great lines last night as well :)

Wow. My fiance has read the books so I spoiled myself my asking him too many questions so I already knew what was to happen.
Still I was shocked. Michelle Fairley, in particular did a fantastic job

Loved Stefan and Lexi…sad to see her and Alaric go! I also loved Caroline and Klaus scene, I was swooning LOL
The Stefan/Silas scene was interesting, curious to see how all that plays out.
Bonnie saying goodbye to everyone was sad indeed. Katherine called her Bon Bon haha

I'm pretty sure you mean Theon is getting castrated in your Stray Oberservations David!

I LOVED seeing Alaric! I did a little happy dance when he walked on screen
The Elena/Jeremy moments had me tearing up. She just needs to see her brother one last time and say goodbye :s

That is a great episode title!

I thought that was a great finale! I was on the edge of my seat yelling at the tv during that whole meeting with the car/car setup scene!
Sad to know Margo Martindale might not be in S2…she's great in whatevere she's in.
I think it makes sense for Paige to become curious..she's a teenager now. Her parents won't be able

Good episode. Ready to see what happens with Alicia and Cary in season 5.
While I understand Kalinda was hurt by Cary…seeing as they have a very close relationship. But her anger and negotiating in the last episode was annoying!!

I thought Jaime correcting Brienne about his name was a great moment….not unnecessary at all!
Tywin laying the hammer down…awesome:)

Wow…I'm suprised you gave it such a high grade Carrie!

Has Olivier really killed that many people?! After 20 episodes I have a hard time remembering

Dany's scene was awesome!! Get it girl :)

FANTASTIC EPISODE!! Derek Luke was amazing and I'm truly sad to see him go. That montage at the end was excellent. Extra points for the slow motion walk while smokin a cig….made Derek Luke look very cool!

Yeah I was wondering that too…Nero kills two people and he won't go to jail for it! The cops must be busy arresting SMACRO members…or not LOL

Yeah I was wondering that too…Nero kills two people and he won't go to jail for it! The cops must be busy arresting SMACRO members…or not LOL