
@avclub-d287ab72140b44071e69e6255b859cec:disqus You know the old saying, out with the old, in with the nucleus… *class laughs* then one of my all-time favorite homer moments ever: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Or Vigo the Carpathian

Or Vigo the Carpathian

Meatloaf??? Ahhhhhh, put it in the pizzaaaaaaaaa!!!

Meatloaf??? Ahhhhhh, put it in the pizzaaaaaaaaa!!!

Bring back Jon Benjamin Has A Van. That is all.

Bring back Jon Benjamin Has A Van. That is all.

Did anyone else catch the subtle nod to the movie Hoosiers at the very beginning of the episode when Ben was measuring the podium? "4 feet. Exact same size as the podium you use in the Parks Department."

Season 2 is well under way! WHERE ARE MY REVIEWS!??! :( The first three episodes have been stellar. Boats, Pleasure, and Money. Just outstanding.