hal phillip walker

About 10 years ago I first saw From Dusk 'Till Dawn on Showtime or Cinemax. Whenever I started watching it was always at the vampire part. Hell until about 3 or 4 years ago I didn't even know there was a twist!


The thing is I actually don't mind Creed. I like a few songs.

Creed (probably in their minds) are serious artists too. Just because someone is a serious artist doesn't meant that they have actually made art.

In some pictures, to me, he looks like Morrissey if he was melting.

*Checks Go Fuck Someone Else Card*

One thing I always found interesting about Sabbath is that a lot of their songs ( like Paranoid, Iron Man, War Pigs, Black Sabbath etc.) didn't really have a chorus, but were mostly just verses.

I have seen The Room at least 25 times in the past 5 years and I have read The Disaster Artist. I am looking forward to this new one.

Give that employee a raise, he seems like a really good ass-kisser!

Sonic turned into Team Fortress 2 so gradually I didn't even notice.

It's impossible to notice a scarf that has disappeared into the forest he calls his chest hair.

Damn…He seemed like one of those guys who would live to be 105 and would continue to do excellent work every year. R.I.P.