
As for Cisco he has made it quite clear that keeping secrets from one another is a bad, bad thing. And hooray for that because I hate that trope. And frankly I believe the change to a more dramatic tone suits Carlos Valdes and helps the story.

That is the inherent problem with time travel stories that do not enforce a stable time loop within a constant timeline. Dropping into a time period and doing something that changes posterity is a knife that cuts both ways. Great, they just eliminated a major villain from medieval Japan… who would have been the

So what happened to Citizen Steel and Vixen from the Legends team? Now I get that there were a lot of characters to manage and it was not a high crime to leave the behind for the production purposes, but a line or two explaining their absence would have been nice.

I believe I heard what you heard. Just before going in search of Supergirl, Cisco confirms with Barry that she will (probably) be found on Earth 38. Barry agrees. Cisco then says that this may take a couple of tries. He creates a portal and the scene ends. We next see Barry and Cisco jumping into Kara's flat and

I agree. No matter how dim and self-serving the two cats really are there is no excuse for their succumbing to this bizarre robot Stockholm syndrome. Perhaps this whole situation is part of Ford's diabolical master plan which will be revealed in the conclusion. I can only hope that the powers that be come up with

Off the top of my head, the upgrades improved the guest immersion experience. The early versions of the androids may have passed the Turing Test in human-to-robot conversation and had an excellent human appearance, but the whirring of gears and other mechanical sounds would definitely break immersion. If memory

Pure speculation on my part, but this long, long journey suggests either that the park is some remote part of the world or they may be off-world. Now I wonder how Maeve would make her escape if Westworld truly is a world apart from Earth? Anyway, to be more down to earth, so to speak, where in the world is Westworld?

I enjoyed the latest episode, 'Space Race.' I am disappointed that there is no word on continued coverage. If full coverage has been suspended I would hope that something like 'Gotham' would be provided.

I do not believe the man in black sexually assaulted the robot. I think he is driven for answers or directions to enable his odyssey. But I say this knowing more about him now than I did at the time he dragged Dolores into the barn. I now think he was more interested in breaking the scripted narrative and that he

Perhaps in the future there is amazing technology which make photographs impervious to the elements otherwise I would expect any photograph to be totally destroyed if left out in the elements over a long period of time.

I do not think the story needs the man in black to be either William or Logan. As far as I am concerned he can be anyone. But at this point we know enough about that he stopped being a complete cypher. So I suppose I need for him to be someone.

This would not surprise me. At this point it would feel like a plot hole if Ford were just oblivious to Maeve's activities and/or incapable of managing Maeve like he managed the situation with old Clementine and Bernard.

I think Dolores search is still on-going. I, for one, am still along for the ride.

I do not believe the writers owe us anything beyond a well thought out conclusion that resonates with the facts or, if you will, clues, laid out in the preceding chapters. I get that although the shoe fits that we as viewers take issue because we just do not like the style. Fair enough because we are entitled to an

We do not know that Ashley is dead. He could be cooling his heels with Elisa somewhere in Sector 17 for all we know. But, to be fair, it does not look good for him.

Anyone else having a change of heart regarding Logan? He may appear to be a jerk, but I think he understands the difference between having blood sport with automatons and dealing with people. In this episode it appears to me that Logan is sincere in wanting William to end his escort mission with Dolores and part of

Which is more monstrous? Is it Ford for killing Theresa and <speculation>possibly, maybe instigating the death of Arnold because their visions differed</speculation>? Or could it be Delos and its board and their intentions to use the technology to serve their own purposes. So we do not know what Delos wants

So one thing that puzzles me over the Bernard was a simulacrum of Arnold revelation is this: was Arnold a silent partner that Ford could not only replace him with a robot but also change his name? So I gather from this that Arnold died at Dolores' hands during the infamous incident and that apart from Ford the

A viewer, casual or otherwise, does not need for William or Logan to be the man in black. The story can go on without the revelation. But you will not catch me complaining if the reveal is made.

No, in earlier episodes you can see Ford's full name on the door to his office. And if memory serves, we learned his full name in the opening episode.