
Besides what is noted in this part of the thread (i.e., Meera was charged with saving Bran and that she simply did not possess the physical strength to hold the door closed against that horde), I think we need Meera down the line because like her father she has a real special destiny that she and her family share with

My guess is that Howland appears in the present day only after we learn what he and Ned witnessed in the Tower of Joy.

Hodor… verklempt.

Your comment, @Arex, has my interest. Somehow tying miraclo with mirakuru would be a great way to connect to both the current Arrowverse AND to the Golden Age (i.e., the 1940s) with its storylines battling the Axis powers.

I think you mean Golden Age. The Silver Age protagonists are Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and the other members of the JLA. The former were heroes from the 1940s and were part of the JSA while the latter came into their own in the late 1950s and 1960s.

I give this episode high marks solely for its concluding scene. The story and logic was ludicrous. But the reward is that we get the promise of the JSA. I am hopeful that we will get some great stories in the future that take advantage of this development.

The standard shift transmission for American made automobiles was a rare, rare beast by the 1980s, although I suppose you could special order them. You would never find them on the showroom floor. Foreign automobiles with a stick shift were easy to find and purchase.

Actually, I thought Alex and Madison had more of a moment (e.g., significant exchange of glances) when Strand cut the raft loose. If there was a significant moment betwixt Alex and Travis I guess I missed it.

I am not a sword expert, but I do know that a greatsword requires two-hands, so they were not greatswords.

True, but Stephen Dillane, who portrayed Stannis Baratheon, had a son.

How about one of the drug cartels organizing a defense of Mexico? They are organized and have a massive amount of weaponry.

I fear that showing us the downfall of human civilization would also entail the collapse of logic. Suspending disbelief can only go so far. Not only would so many things have to go wrong, but too many things could not be allowed to go right to prevent a complete and total collapse.

Right, because Oliver's connection to the Lance family has been so darn good for that family.

Actually it was because of the brush off that Barry regained his super powers. So be grateful.

Only if they bite.

My take on Gadd is that he sees himself and his team as a band of brothers at war with the Soviets. Martha's betrayal is both incomprehensible and soul shattering. He suffered through loss in the war in Viet Nam and now he must endure this. This is pure tragedy.

No, not the artist. The problem was with the landlord's poor powers of observation.

If memory serves, Lucifer did intime that he was sexually open-minded in one of the earlier episodes. But we have never seen that demonstrated on the show itself.

True, but the soldier in question had a questionable moral compass, too. No heroes allowed here, full stop.

We have seen the undead eat horses in 'The Walking Dead.' Rick's horse, for one, and, if memory serves, a horse was taken down by ravenous undead last year, too.