
Oppenheimer explained it to Abby. Abby is neither an academic, a philosopher or a scientist. And, frankly, I suspect most of the audience would benefit from the explanation he provided. (I did.)

We do not what, if anything, Victor told Darrow. Darrow will need to take action against Frank for sabotage, but his greater need is to ensure that the test at hand is executed without incident.

Then why refer to them as combatants? They were, in effect, foreign agents committing espionage on behalf of a friendly power, the UK. So not combatants in the traditional sense.

Great episode in a great series! I was fascinated with the setup for the Cold War. With that in mind, there was a comment by Joe Bucher to Paul Crosley, which I think was part of an effort to recruit Crosley into a nascent CIA predecessor organization. Bucher said that Crosley was a patient man as evidenced by his

Also Journey's "Don't Stop Believing'" was a selection on the wheel.

I liked the irony. Meg extolls a sinister 'family matters' but Tommy turns it back around and rescues Nora and (I believe to be) Holy Wayne's baby. That was a nice moment and makes the moment of his being reunited with Kevin & family satisfying.

If you paid close attention to the karaoke wheel, you would have noticed that one of the songs was Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'". Think of how many heads would be spinning if Kevin got that song to sing!

To support that, we had Virgil as Kevin's spiritual guide through Kevin's hell (or was it purgatory?).

2 x 38 = 76. Yes, if that is her age, then Ms Tyler is middle-aged. And she was terrific in this episode.

The alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end, is a significant Christian theme and those letters are often seen on the vestments of Christian ministers.

Yes, that is Ronald Reagan. There is also an advert for the film Lolita. I think we also get a sound bite from a San Francisco Giants game. (The Giants won the pennant that year.)

No argument regarding Tagawa's performance as Trade Minister Tagomi. I think both Tagawa and Sewell are providing great performances.

This is not a time-travel story. It is an alternative history with a mysterious link to the time line we inhabit. The year is 1962 and we are taking a peek at an occupied American continent. But there is a simultaneous or parallel timeline which is, more or less, the universe we inhabit. And somehow, someway, the

I think that VA day is a Victory in America celebration of the Nazis defeating the USA and not a Veterans Day, per se. Veterans Day, which evolved from Armistice Day, which in turn acted as a day of remembrance of World War I, and it celebrates US veterans service and came into existence in the 1950s. So it was not

The way the reviewer framed the comment it seemed as though Frank was the agent of their death. He was not. It was the Kempeitai. And I loved how Inspector Kido allowed that he was not a monster when he released Frank from custody.

Except the monster in chains may be the one who possesses a conscience whilst Dorian does not. Dorian is amoral and I believe him to be a sociopath. The creature in chains may be his superego. It is monstrous because it is absorbing the wounds that Dorian inflicts on those around him. Just a thought.

Another nice bit of irony: Stannis was exhausted and ready to die. Just not at the hands of the Boltons. I think everyone would agree that as bad as he had become, the Boltons were far, far worse. That would not have fit into his concept of justice. But being brought to accounts for kin-slaying probably did not

The irony being that Balon wins but he did not have designs on the Iron Throne, per se. Kind of like the dog catching the car driving down the street.

Plenty of powerless to go around this crowd of so-called nobles. That said, the system they have in Westeros justifies Stannis' claim and he was within his rights as the heir presumptive to eliminate the popular Renly.

Thank you. I believe you answered a question I posed up-thread. It makes sense that it was the special agent calling Trubel and stabs any concerns of Juliette and/or Kelly making the call or somehow having become involved with the resistance off-screen.