
i think raising a kid you know that you're going to kill later on, and you apparently believe can't do much to stop it, or don't have much choice in the matter, counts.

i agree that it's unlikely, but i think it would be interesting to see how the 815'ers react to thinking it might be possible, given the relationships that have developed since the crash.

"desmond is in a loop, getting sent to the hatch (from the hospital), and then escaping and being reunited with penny for a few years, then shot, and back to the hospital and then the hatch, etc. he has seen charlie die in different ways, in different loops, that's why he sort of remembers (or forsees it, or

i'm pretty sure locke is still kind of an idiot, he's just only been given things to do that he's competent at lately (knife-throwing, yelling that he's the boss). once he's given work that requires a little more subtlety, i'm willing to bet he'll fuck it up at least a little. isn't that what richard's "it points

apologies if this double-posts. my internets has become unstuck in time, maybe.

well, whatever he does, chances are good he'll screw it up or find some way to be a dumbass about it. fucking locke.

I don't know where I stand on the new Rousseau actress - even though it was probably pretty obvious that she was past-Rousseau, it was shocking to see her all baby-faced. I could just be biased because I really liked the original.

yeah, i got no problem with waiting either. once this thread fills up about three pages, it starts to get to be a bit much for me, especially in terms of organization. opening it up right away, before there's even a review to ground it? it could be ugly.

ha! yay!

if it is Desmond and Penny (and I don't think it is - that seems to obvious at this point), I don't think it would necessarily have to be a tragedy.

ugh, babies. i'm with you - gross.

Is there any sort of actual count on how many people are left in addition to the main characters? I'm starting to be really not-fond of the way that there's always two or three people mucking about until they need to be killed.

If Penny is in her mid-to-late 30s, which appears to be about the case, then Charles Widmore being around or approaching 70 seems about right. There'd be some wiggle-room regarding how early or late both of them wound up having kids, but it's not really the island's style to keep you from aging, but only 10 years or

Did they bring up why she was going off her medications? I don't get that part.