
I don't understand what reality you think we live in.

Well that's a fucking bummer.

Team Park!

lol, you're an angry dude.

Are you complaining about their stand up or their acting? If it's the stand-up: there are jokes, your head is just so far up your ass that you don't hear them.

>I also don't understand why cigarette smoke is being put right alongside
with just any old smoke from the kitchen or whatever. You know
cigarette smoke has bad stuff in it right? And a lot of it's coming from
inside of people?

As long as you admit that you're not qualified either!

I don't see Conan as having anywhere near the energy and naive enthusiasm that Holmes has. I love Conan, he just seems to be like more of a cynical sniper than someone who would genuinely engage you about how great crystals are while making fun of himself about it.

How long is the announcer's voice actually heard for?

Jacked noses? What?

The party was for two children.

No, no, no. No.
The simplest explanation is that the editors and producers of the television found it appropriate to make these men APPEAR to be entitled, ungrateful douchebags.

Professional men, on the other hand, LOVE to be made fools of.

She's mentioned before that she has a background in improv.

Four Lions already functions perfectly as this.

I'm not the most articulate person, and this post is ancient in internet terms, but I just finished Red Country and I'd like to comment. I'm not Heller, either, but oh well.

I'm not the most articulate person, and this post is ancient in internet terms, but I just finished Red Country and I'd like to comment. I'm not Heller, either, but oh well.

It's a lot easier to pop pills in an enclosed space without alerting anyone than it is to smoke weed. Pills also don't give off natural odor.