Foot Fn Master

How does that make you feel?
Love this show. It's what HBO should be about — brave, go anywhere stuff with fantastic writing and acting.

Camel Toe: The Novel
The only thing worse than ironic Pavement loving hipster are the ironic "Give me a baby" hipster girlfriends.

I just creamed in my pants
And April didn't have to take her top off.

How long for Walt?
Seriously: Is this season 10-12 episodes or is it another truncated season like the last? Anyone know?

Why are you blue?
It's not because of the desperation, lies and loneliness. It's because you fell into a Port-A-John while trying to steal your mobile meth lab from a ruthless shotgun-toting mechanic. (And the RV as weapon of destruction/menace slays me every time.)

If the Wire can survive for five years, why can't Kenny Powers?
I'll tell you why: No Sopranos, no Six Feet Under, and no hit series to carry along the quirky stuff. Which fucking sucks.

Season Two is keeps the curveballs coming
I can't keep my eyes off it — and the judicious use of silence heightens the tension while the music cuts (a cover of a Townes Van Zandt song tonight, I believe) and the Walkmen in the last episode aren't cheesy in the least.

Worst date movie EVER
I have not seen this movie since watching it in the theater when my date got up with about an hour left and walked out. I went out to see what she was up to and offered to leave with her but she gave me the "No, it's fine. Stay and watch the rest" which means "You shall not touch my boobs ever

Tuco, we hardly knew ye
I hate that mis hermano el loco Tuco is now RIP. The actor chewed scenery and a burrito.

The New Fucking Yorker, dog
When the New Yorker loves your shit — full of John Updike and hell, just plain ol' dykes — give you a rave, you know you've got a cannon for an arm and a mind for victory.

Save this show and kill Entourage
This show is freaking awesome. Gets better with each subsequent episode and deserves another six episodes, at least.

Watchmen sequels
Watchmen: Watch Man Up (Cowboy rodeo version)

This show is melancholy in a mullet
It's so angry and sad — and funny — and still manages to make Kenny human — though a dispicable human.

Whooo doggies!
Sounds like a fantastic project.

"You're going to need more than that!"
My fave line with regard to his brother's toilet paper. (Plus when the brother spits toothpaste into the toilet while taking a dump.) Just an awesome, awesome show that gets the Dirty South kinda sorta spot-on.

Most complex HBO show ever
The double-crosses and triple crosses are heady spinning sometimes on this show. It's almost like the creators are scared to let you think about you're watching for fear of losing viewers. The Margie 'Flashdance' sequence was kinda throwaway but at least no plot was happening and it was

Mr Eel says: Worst season EVER
Truly, I wouldn't eat a bag of Cheetos these losers gave me considering how lousy they all seem. Stefan's got this locked up — not because he's as awesome as he thinks but because he's competing against a bunch of monkeys.

Bug nuts criz-ay-zee
Love this show. It's 'Sopranos' with women and LDS in lieu of goombahs and LCN.

Just watched this with anticipation …
and was nothing but disappointed. It felt like a star vehicle for Walken but boring, dated and "of an era" — where everything was shot to look like a Madonna video.

Peeping Tom
It deserves a relaunch by Criterion and more acclaim. It's among the saddest, creepiest, bloodiest, sexiest, most amazing films ever made. The shooting and staging of the dance number is worth checking out.