Foot Fn Master

I like his comedy but also his Hemingway-ian ability to punch stuff
"The boxer and the stand-up comedian are men alone. There's a kind of existential quality to it."

Agree to disagree. CHECK.

I really, really, REALLY tried. I gave the first season six whole hours — and I kept waiting for something to keep bringing me back aside from thinking "Well, these guys did THE WIRE so this has got to be good, right? RIGHT?' In the end, I found the whole thing just an exercise in good intentions gone boringly awry.

HBO's making another season of Zatarain's commercials! Sweet!
How much can I hate one show? I hate TREME as much as I loved THE WIRE and GENERATION KILL, that's how much I hate TREME. Between the 'We're just here, trying to help!" celeb cameos, Steve Zahn, the self congratulatory attention to details ('Do you see us

I'm a McCarthy-ite.
As far as I can tell, he's 3 for 3: Station Agent and The Visitor are as close to 70s style character driven films as we're gonna get. And UP? Fuhgeddabout it.

I heard he was slippery. Slippery when WET! Especially after he's douched.

Furthermore, he rides a steel horse. A freaking STEEL horse. Let's see Steve Jobs do THAT!

You're right. The scene with the cop felt spot-on - meaning, real and dramatic, even if the circumstances are just so crazy. I think part of its success goes to Ginnifer Goodwin who's the best actress on the show.

Yes, BUT…
It was one of the better episodes THIS season but they've had other, better episodes. For me, two moments held it back because they were too - even for this show — over the top: On the heels of Marge's talk with the Goji CEO about her family being a cult, I thought the scene later where Barb gives Marge

Get ready to meet "Lil Tony"
Prediction: There will suddenly be a new tell-it-like-it-is character on the show named "Lil Tony" who will crack wise while impressing the ladies and restaurant diners with his bedroom/kitchen prowess. Sign me the fuck up.

Saw 'Cronos' last night. 'And? And?' you ask…
It's a solid del Toro outing - and that's five times better than most yayhoos. Maybe it's not "Pan's Labyrinth" but it's no less affecting or polished (to a degree) as that movie.

Dismal ratings, two actors talking and no awards
How in God's name is this show even on? I guess the simple answer is HBO wants to cater to all 14 of us who regularly watch and ADORE this show. Thanks, HBO. Do you want to make my coffee in the morning, too?

James Ellroy and 'In Living Color'?
This interview gets a LOT funnier when you read Ellroy's comments in the voice of Damon Wayans' "In Living Color" character Oswald Bates, the hyperliterate convict. Yes, I had to Wikipedia the name of the character.

A head start
With this e-mail in hand, I can go ahead and begin scorning my not-as-cool-as-me co-workers who will love all of these movies while I stay safe and warm in my ivory castle made of awesomeness.

Thank you HBO
…for giving America the world's longest Zatarain's commercial. The performances feel weirdly phoned-in even though all they talk about is how authentic they tried to make it. (John Goodman just sucks. His YouTube rant? I had to leave the room.)

That's what I'm saying! "Nothing" is totally a soul song — and it fits perfectly in that record. Honestly, "Gone" is my fave all-time record, period.

Overlooked Yoakam: Gone
"Gone" is THE Dwight Yoakam album to own. It's like a distillation of all the cool American music of the last 40 years i.e. 60s Buck Owens Bakersfield twang, blue-eyed soul, traditional country, sweeping Patsy Kline romantic ballads, straight-up rockers. And, I think, it's the one record that

I totally LOVE the Jesus is Lord Over Picayune. It's right next to the Get Yer Ass Out of Here Sign

The only thing worse than being picayune is being FROM Picayune.

Let me put my atomic rocket into your gaping wet chasm where the skyscrapers are falling. Let's have a four way with the horsemen of the apocalypse. Lets do it for gasoline and shotgun shells. Let's — feh.