mr natural

After watching the Pacific Rim trailer my friend Steve said that Idris Elba's "cancelling the apocalypse" speech sounded like King Leonidas from 300. That's in the Zeus neighborhood. A  Cloverfield/ Transformer mashup directed by GDT with Charlie Day? I'm there.

After watching the Pacific Rim trailer my friend Steve said that Idris Elba's "cancelling the apocalypse" speech sounded like King Leonidas from 300. That's in the Zeus neighborhood. A  Cloverfield/ Transformer mashup directed by GDT with Charlie Day? I'm there.

I agree. Drugs and alcohol lower inhibitions and make people more prone to act on "suggestions" like " Let's have filthy dirty sex right now!" Don't despair, horatio leafblower (Mr. Nobody) Street drugs and alcohol are the perfect tools for your sexytime arsenal. And if you don't get laid, at least you get high. Which

I agree. Drugs and alcohol lower inhibitions and make people more prone to act on "suggestions" like " Let's have filthy dirty sex right now!" Don't despair, horatio leafblower (Mr. Nobody) Street drugs and alcohol are the perfect tools for your sexytime arsenal. And if you don't get laid, at least you get high. Which

Can't live for tomorrow, tomorrow's much too long. I'll burn my eyes out, before I get out.

Can't live for tomorrow, tomorrow's much too long. I'll burn my eyes out, before I get out.

Why do those cheap bastards at AMC constantly screw with and up TWD? Are these fucking people Republicans?

Why do those cheap bastards at AMC constantly screw with and up TWD? Are these fucking people Republicans?

Needs more jump cuts.

Needs more jump cuts.

Adults in the 50's and 60's drank a lot! They also fucked each other like bunnies and discriminated against black people. Gas was cheap and good music was plentiful.Good times. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Adults in the 50's and 60's drank a lot! They also fucked each other like bunnies and discriminated against black people. Gas was cheap and good music was plentiful.Good times. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Your comment is a perfect example of The Peter Principle.

Your comment is a perfect example of The Peter Principle.

There are so many great posts on the AV Club, with tons of hilarious and often poignant comments. It's fun to post a snarky comment, and it's even better when someone replies in a funny, interesting, or ironic way.

There are so many great posts on the AV Club, with tons of hilarious and often poignant comments. It's fun to post a snarky comment, and it's even better when someone replies in a funny, interesting, or ironic way.

You're smarter than me, still a troll.

You're smarter than me, still a troll.

One final dig: whoring your art on your profile page is declasse.

One final dig: whoring your art on your profile page is declasse.