mr natural

A solid episode-I give it a A. The constant cutting between the prison and
Woodbury help keep the tension up even when the characters don't have anything particularly interesting to say. I'm sorry Zack Handlen, TWD's
writers have wisely recognized that Joss Whedon like banter is beyond them.

A solid episode-I give it a A. The constant cutting between the prison and
Woodbury help keep the tension up even when the characters don't have anything particularly interesting to say. I'm sorry Zack Handlen, TWD's
writers have wisely recognized that Joss Whedon like banter is beyond them.

Sometimes I wish I'd died before I got old.

Sometimes I wish I'd died before I got old.

Of course we all know that Walter White is coming to a bad end.Think of how much better other TV dramas would be if the writers had the courage to kill off some of the main characters. Mad Men could have Meagan get killed in a car wreck or have Betty choke to death on some Bugles. As for Falling Skies, the whole cast

Of course we all know that Walter White is coming to a bad end.Think of how much better other TV dramas would be if the writers had the courage to kill off some of the main characters. Mad Men could have Meagan get killed in a car wreck or have Betty choke to death on some Bugles. As for Falling Skies, the whole cast

I saw the Police on their first US tour in a small Dallas club that's now a mexican restaurant. This was just after the awful incident in East Texas when some ex-con KKK members had dragged a black man to his death in a pick up. At some point Sting shouted "Is there anyone here from the KKK?" Of course some dickheads

I saw the Police on their first US tour in a small Dallas club that's now a mexican restaurant. This was just after the awful incident in East Texas when some ex-con KKK members had dragged a black man to his death in a pick up. At some point Sting shouted "Is there anyone here from the KKK?" Of course some dickheads

I was wrong. Please forgive me.

I was wrong. Please forgive me.

I saw Blair Witch again recently and while it's still spooky as hell, a little fuckin' would have been icing on the cake. Cannibal Holocaust was way better for the sex and nudity.

I saw Blair Witch again recently and while it's still spooky as hell, a little fuckin' would have been icing on the cake. Cannibal Holocaust was way better for the sex and nudity.

I think Darabont should get a pass on TWD. The studio wanted cheap and he wanted art, talky, incongruent art as it turned out.

I think Darabont should get a pass on TWD. The studio wanted cheap and he wanted art, talky, incongruent art as it turned out.

Yeah, the Cell's ending is unbearably sad-yet-hopeful as well. I'm guessing that's the problem.

Yeah, the Cell's ending is unbearably sad-yet-hopeful as well. I'm guessing that's the problem.

Cell should be given to Frank Darabont. I thought The Mist was one of the better Stephen King film adaptations. Of course, you can count good Stephen King movies on one hand.

Cell should be given to Frank Darabont. I thought The Mist was one of the better Stephen King film adaptations. Of course, you can count good Stephen King movies on one hand.

Denise Crosby, as fine as she was, is Pet Sematary weakest link. I just never bought her character, it seemed that she too old to be Midkiff's wife. A remake would be OK as long as they keep the Ramones.

Denise Crosby, as fine as she was, is Pet Sematary weakest link. I just never bought her character, it seemed that she too old to be Midkiff's wife. A remake would be OK as long as they keep the Ramones.