
Martin and Lewis made up, the Eagles got back together, and Chinese Democracy got released.  It shouldn't be so surprising.

Am I the only person who always assumed that a show called "Switched at Birth" was on TLC or Discovery or something and would air after that show where stupid/fat people poop babies into toilets?

@avclub-f380cb25d00781321f0b111b7c330706:disqus Oh, whoops.  I actually realized at the time that it was Reposted Lt. Broccoli, but I apparently chose the wrong name from the pull-down list.

It's true!  I actually googled "Jill Flacco" on my phone after I first noticed him saying it, just to make sure that Joe wasn't married to a girl named Jill or something.

Hmm.  I agree that the Rain Man spoof is probably better left out, but I like Krusty's bit.

There are many, many other things that are much more brilliant than this rather run-of-the-mill joke.  Sorry, man.

In terms of human history, lions were relatively widespread through a relatively similar realm for most of the time (Africa, lots of Asia, Europe - even the New World).  Anybody who has read histories of Central Asia as recently as the 18/19th century knows that lions were not unheard of as part of the natural habitat.

Without doing research, I'm tempted to say that this is the last of these gags (at least, through the classic years - I stopped watching the show a decade-plus ago).

Well, we can all agree that that's 2 more things than any of us will be remembered for.

- comment editing
- needs work?

Wow.  I watched Mr. Belvedere as child, but being able to recall Goulet from it?  Not within my ability.

I like how Swartzwelder considers using that dictionary of old-timey slang to be "cheating".  Most of the crossword puzzles I enjoy are left 90% complete thanks to similar scruples on my part.

I struggle to not say "withhold the lettuce" at sandwich places.

For those not in the know, "Upper Canada" refers to the colonial-era idea that the further upstream (i.e. west, essentially) you went on the St. Lawrence was "up river", and thus most of what we think of now as southern Ontario was "Upper Canada" compared to places like Quebec and the Maritime Provinces.


Ron Carter, the bassist? Ron Carter, my bas…oh wait, I did this already.

I will never not love Homer breaking open the microwave glass with his elbow.

I do the same thing.  @avclub-069090145d54bf4aa3894133f7e89873:disqus I'm…I'm feeling tempted…

@avclub-5a1c0dcc8243c086c74ee944052f6f0f:disqus but no voice actor who speaks German could be bad…

Yeah, well, your mom should've picked a better costume.