
Yes, it is the same guy - Bill Camp. It took me a few scenes and close ups before I could recognize him under that beard. He does a pretty good Aussie accent.

Yes! I caught that right away.

I hear that Mary McDonnell will show up next week with another new character, so that's something to get excited about.

Unlike Handlen, I didn't find Varga's speech "odd". It was my favorite moment of the night. Thewlis has been able to make Varga a bogeyman caricature who feels deeply real at the same time.

You know, watching Varga 'wolf' down that meal at the restaurant surrounded by all those plates of food made me think of the new and improved Hanzee Dent aka Moses Tripoli devouring his Chinese dinner while he took a meeting in season one.

Also, dude, I believe "asian friend" is not the preferred nomenclature.

It was a great scene and I'm loving every grimace out of Stuhlbarg, but once again, it was so Jerry Lundegaard I was expecting Sy to tell her he'd be back in a moment and then we'd hear the screech of tires from the humvee speeding out of the parking lot.

My thoughts exactly. I was waiting for some precocious kids to show up.

Pastor Tim is soooooooooooo Dead. The look on Elizabeth's face when she sees this guy put her parenting skills below sexual abuse……….. his end will not be pretty.

I have been a fan of Howard's since the second season and have been wanting to know more about him desperately. Patrick Fabian is ridiculously great in the role and takes what could have been a standard prick character and made him complicated and fascinating.

If a man can't hire his own son in the law firm he started to continue a family legacy, then what even is the point? But when your partner wants to hire his grifter brother that just barely avoided a sexual predator stint in jail as an associate? Yeah, totally different thing.

How has Chuck behaved immorally? If anything, Chuck has too many morals, that are perhaps a little too rigid. Chuck regards the law above all else and holds lawyers to a higher standard. Jimmy knows this. Chuck already has obsessive tendencies. Jimmy knows this, too. Forging documents taken from his brother's case

He didn't try to sabotage Jimmy's career at every turn. He just didn't want him as an associate lawyer at HHM, a place where Chuck built his reputation. Once you have to bail your brother out of jail for shitting through a sunroof in full view of two kids, its not unreasonable to prefer they go make a name for

I am never ever going to get on the Poor Jimmy BooHoo fucking train. Saul is just a more demure Heisenberg; the assholery was there all along. Furthermore, I feel sorry for Chuck and Michael McKean moved me to tears with that breakdown on the stand, it was so upsetting.

What I love about Chuck's Captain Queeg moment is that The Caine Mutiny is one of Mike Ehrmantraut's favorite movies. Great for watching while the DEA come busting at your door with a warrant to search the premises.

No. No one noticed that.

Daniel Sackhiem just directed yesterday's episode of The Leftovers, and has also been on hand to direct The Americans, so, pretty good with the drama. Also, an X-Files alum.

The problem with consistently throwing in BrBa guests is that it tips the show's hand. As soon as I saw Huell loom into the frame and get ready to walk by Chuck, I knew EXACTLY what would play out in the courtroom. Although, to be fair, I thought he put a phone into Chuck's pocket and was trying to figure out how

Michael McKean needs an Emmy. Chuck is breaking my heart.

I don't think he was really making a joke at all. I think Colbert was pretty furious under that amused exterior and his deep and abiding revulsion for Trump peeked through.