snidely whiplash

I just watched the pilot again. no mention of Christopher during the Trey and Georgie conversation. But their conversation doesn't really support my 'Christopher being killed by them that night' theory either. Georgie seems real confused and ashamed and paranoid but authentically unawares of what happened.

Yeah I am a little pissed about the Christopher thing. How does a new character get introduced to the crime scene at this stage. I love the show though and I am sure they will make it work for me.

Ray Mckinnon is laughing at you! at the end there! You have run off with triumvirate ramblings and completely missed the mention of Christopher. How is everyone not talking about Christopher right now including the lawyer and sheriff characters.

exactly. we saw a weak, doubting confused man probably once again looking to Trey for answers as he has his whole life in the twenty years since the Hanna incident and most likely even before when they were kids. Trey is a dominant, sadistic and manipulative fella.

Trey killed Christopher. Georgie was caught in the mess and complicit in Christopher's killing.

I feel pretty safe assuming from what we know of the characters that Trey has put in some serious time pressuring Georgie. Trey seemed like he knew what he was doing feeding drugs and memories to Daniel.

Isn't mother also the smoke monster?
How on earth did she massacre the village?

Widmore is kicking himself. Move two pylons to the dock, electrify and walla smokey trapped on a pier. Catastrophe averted and everyone could visit him like he were a sea lion.

Well those two were really killing the atmosphere at Pollo Locos. That shit just can't go on. You gots to order something.