
I was confused by this, seeing as how I use "hell" enough to make a bright spot for it in California.

Every time I see in it text, I then have to sort out figuring out if it was a typo.

Not the change I anticipated Rocky making at the end of IV…

If I can change, you can change! We can all change!

The data indicates the the mammograms don't actually help that much. Self-check seems to be much more useful.

That's right Jim! He's won an all-expenses paid (by him) permanent trip to FRESNO!

He probably likes his chances in the Small Business Ladder Match.

Right, compared to the utter professionalism that is the Premier League, and their kits emblazoned with "Wonga.au", "Dafabet", etc.

England has willingly adopted the goddamn JAGUARS as their team of choice, so they are literally bringing it upon themselves.

They wear them because it's Xbox Green, and they're sponsored by Microsoft.

It kind of looked like they'd had the color beaten out of them.

Music and Lyrics is about 25% more fun if you turn "Pop! Goes My Heart" into "Poop! Goes My Heart".

But if there's a situation where key doesn't apparently matter…it's everything involving Pitbull.

Ha ha!

Ha ha! Da le!

In the afterlife, Craig will only get to wear normal suits.

Or… If you don't like the girl, you give them consolation chocolate, which I find hilarious.

If I don't have to worry about calorie intake, then the answer is Mexican Hot Chocolate.

In all "seriousness", I agree. It's tough for me to enjoy games that have a dystopian bent to them because there's enough similarity to the real world that my entertainment starts depressing me.