poor Yorick

You, sir, just missed out on a very fine virtual stoning by disclosing that information.

Well then we will obviously have to spoil 5 perfect seasons of breaking bad for you. starting with episode 1….

I second everyone saying this deserves more than a C+. The realization that they're all alcoholics came on so quick and intuitively it definitely wins points. A lot of the episode was filler, definitely not as tight as it could have been, but Hornsby gets props for creating such imaginative diversions to fill the 18

You mean nyte krollers, right?

saul said that in the first two episodes.
then he said
"take em." in a weird non-regional accent.

I don't think you know how to watch tv.

The tower of David is a real slum tower in the center of caracas and the story the "doctor" tells about its creation is largely true. That's pretty cool and definitely wins this episode some points.

I'm pretty sure that in charlie's fantasy the waitress cures him of the spider/goblin affliction. He also kills rats, as seen in Charlie: King of the Rats, but in his fantasy he kills no rats.

Walt is a better monster because none of us have ever woken up in Westeros. Empathy, people… you're being played!!!


In my humble opinion, walked out on a line is one of the best OR songs ever, and I've been listening eagerly since BSB. I also think Hanging from a Hit is high up there though, and find We Need a Myth very weak. That is just a testament to their range, I guess; I'm sure we both agree the band is flat-out amazing.

Two votes for Yo La Tengo. I Am Very Far is probably my second favourite OR album. I like it very much. There are some songs on it that don't go anywhere, but some of the bands best and stealthiest cuts. The whole album plays like every variation they could imagine for Starry Stairs and I'm fine with that cause Starry

no that's not weird. That's a pretty natural perspective to take as a fan. Something is not right about this though… Ah! I've figured it out…

Fuck You The Killing!

I like The Killing. I also like Fuck You The Killing the Comment. I've designed my, "likes," to keep me happy; from airtime through review to discussion.

It's showing till the 16th at the Colonial Theatre, once per day I believe.

It was just showing like 2 hours ago in Pheonixville which is like 30 minutes out from 30th street.

A mom I don't have, spacemanbilly. I guess it's cool to step on broken ankles now.

You're display pic makes it look kinda of like you eat dildos aplenty… we all know about prurient grins from bird-flipping spacemen.

Meta goes back to the 50's and 60's in literature, it just took a really long time for directors and movie makers to catch on.