
I'm just happy Randy got out of that group home.

Heinz is on my fries.

This was my favorite of the season so far. Subway is my new favorite character.

This show is all about projection. Clay is in hysterics as he talks about penny's Flair for the dramatix. Lisa, Aubrey and the goblin lady are true bullying scumbags and I thought ms universes double entendre was awesome and that the ladies were putting it down ecause they were jealous And insecure.

I thought Tarzan was going to stab his eyes out on that jagged branch when he fell. Also, most humiliating was the sound of the steel drum roll while he bent over and someone described him as a wounded elephant.

It kind of reminded me of a Fellini movie. Strange semi sexual stuff that I wasn't sure about what to feel

"on my iPod, if you've got the cables"

TM of course I mean.

Except TJ said that he would murder his own son for cominng out. I kinda wasn't buying it.

who is playing sandy the special friend and where do i recognize her from?

meth weak versus cancer weak.

these are really accurate.

He did pretty well against Susan Sarandon and Jon Voight in HOLES!

Just Chiming in
This is not only my favorite show right now, but also my favorite recap.

reading this was a chore.

whoo. i hope your mother is dead.

what an asshole.

Pious Poop!

barney miller started out splitting between the station and bm's apartment