
Don't knock my smock or I will clean your clock!

Just what this show needs, to be more meta…

I like saying 'quark'. Quark quark quark!

I can't wait for the episode where Max finds out Asperger's will not be included as a separate diagnosis in the DSM-5, goes ballistic, does something to injure Nora, and Kristina chides Nora for getting in Max's way while simultaneously launching a grassroots campaign to get the DSM stricken from psychological

Jim was such an asshole throughout that whole show. Just a condescending, smirking prick to everyone around him and yet he underachieved up the ladder because…he wasn't a sociopath like Dwight?

Just get to the part where Crosby buys the house.


Parker Young is quickly becoming a national treasure.

He will be joining Hero Squad in no time.

Yep, he plays pretty much Ryan in that show. Which is great.

Wait, that is his next book about female menstruation.

'Blood in my Pie'

I think they were asked to make one song (the titular 'Peace Sword') and that sparked them writing some more songs on their own based around the movie. So the rest of the EP was their own doing.

Brought to you by Windows OS and all the slick devices you can use it on!

Gets at least a B just for Emily in that dress.

Good ole Descriptive Video Joe.

I love how Linda can only communicate in Cop-speak.

Junior's mom = pretty bad of an artist
Kid who plays Joe = pretty bad of an actor

You better believe that is a doming.

Hey, she interned in 'medicine'!