
The track should really be preceded by a "Warning: Smooth Sailing may cause unwanted pregnancies" because that song is so filthy.

Era Vulgaris is a great record but it's the most easily bad-mouthed record of theirs since the others are so strong. If an album as strong as EV is the go-to weak spot in your catalog, you are doing something right.

If I saw a story with the headline "Shark Tank cast member caught hunting people" I would bet all the money I had on it being Kevin.

If they are going to introduce nanomachines, they should allow Hideo Kojima to guest-write an arc so this becomes part of Metal Gear Solid canon.

Conrad standing on a car, arms wide, proclaiming "We are the first responders!" made me laugh more than the past two seasons of The Office or Community. So deliciously evil.

- How are Grayson Global and Nolcorp related now? What do those companies even do? 
- What did Aiden even do at Grayson Global and how does Takeda fit in anymore?
- Is the Initiative still a thing, how do they fit in, and what the hell do they want?
- I can't even remember why Victoria hates Emily anymore and I don't

This week solidified something I had been considering the past few weeks: I really have no idea what is happening on this show anymore.

I liked Jim, Pam, and Dwight actually sharing some respect for each other.

That was such a strange conversation as I still don't know if he actually meant it. It was such an abrupt shift in tone for Dwight. I get that he would probably feel that way after all these years but it coming out of nowhere made me go "wait, is he serious?"

Really glad Calvin and Hobbes got a mention. That final strip is a masterpiece and is the greatest ending that ever ended. Makes me tear up just thinking about it.

That guy can certainly crush a good bird joke.

She is blowing everyone!

Victoria is a much more interesting and terrifying villain than the Governor on The Walking Dead. Those bullets in the envelope to her own son? Awesome.

I felt that whole story line sealed Herschel's demise.

Song for the Deaf, How to Handle a Rope, Broken Box

An accurate reading, nonetheless.

What a wretched episode that was. Parks & Rec has now absolutely crushed two wedding episodes when The Office couldn't even come close to doing it once when it was the main driver of the show for half it's run.

I was very worried about this and they handled it perfectly. Though, in retrospect, my worry was quite unfounded because the P&R people know exactly what they are doing. Ben's sly little look towards the camera when he was pressing her made it even better.

Did you see that weight bench in the yard? Axel probably hit that pretty hard to impress Carol and his muscles stopped all the bullets.

I would watch the hell out of a show with just Conrad and Victoria berating each other in hushed tones on the outskirts of a party.