
What? Are you serious?!? That could be AMAZING.

Will seems like an outdoorsy guy- lives in the woods, fishes, references fixing boat motors- so he could've gotten Lyme disease at some point before Hannibal came into the picture, and H just recognized the smell and decided to use the situation to further his own ends?

Ah, that was it! It was late. :)

Great post! One tiny quibble, I'm pretty sure Megan's friend said, "Status est antebellum."

I hope this posts properly… anyway, can't find the link atm, but I saw that Fuller had tweeted that it's actually Mads doing the prep work in all those shots. That man can really handle a knife!

I got it ruined that way, too. Still loved the scene, but SERIOUSLY, they couldn't wait a full day for the rest of us to catch up?

I got it ruined that way, too. Still loved the scene, but SERIOUSLY, they couldn't wait a full day for the rest of us to catch up?

I'm late to the conversation, but HEY MIKE D'ANGELO!! You weren't the only one! In addition to being an enormous Hitchcock fan, my birthday is December 11th, so the Psycho remake had me freaking out for months… and then it was such a horrible turd. And yeah, I was exactly the same way with the little changes: "Hey,

I'm late to the conversation, but HEY MIKE D'ANGELO!! You weren't the only one! In addition to being an enormous Hitchcock fan, my birthday is December 11th, so the Psycho remake had me freaking out for months… and then it was such a horrible turd. And yeah, I was exactly the same way with the little changes: "Hey,