
Claire Danes is fucking fantastic.  There is no show, novel or movie who I have seen portray someone with bipolar disorder with more honesty.  It is a real credit to the writing staff, showrunner, directors, and Danes that they have consistently done such a great job.  One of the writers does have a sister is bipolar,

Claire Danes is fucking fantastic.  There is no show, novel or movie who I have seen portray someone with bipolar disorder with more honesty.  It is a real credit to the writing staff, showrunner, directors, and Danes that they have consistently done such a great job.  One of the writers does have a sister is bipolar,

I had a better, eloquent message but it got deleted so here is the scattered version.
Please go to a Dr. if you think there is a possibility you are bipolar. If you are, or are put on any sort of medication please research all of your meds and ask as many questions as possible before taking them.  These are not

I had a better, eloquent message but it got deleted so here is the scattered version.
Please go to a Dr. if you think there is a possibility you are bipolar. If you are, or are put on any sort of medication please research all of your meds and ask as many questions as possible before taking them.  These are not

Bipolar II is not mixed bipolar.  Bipolar II is depression and hypomania, a less intense form of mania.  Mixed states, episodes in which depression and mania are occurring simultaneously, occur in both Bipolar I and Bipolar II, although I believe they are more common in type II (as well as in women).  There are also 3

Bipolar II is not mixed bipolar.  Bipolar II is depression and hypomania, a less intense form of mania.  Mixed states, episodes in which depression and mania are occurring simultaneously, occur in both Bipolar I and Bipolar II, although I believe they are more common in type II (as well as in women).  There are also 3

The smile was fantastic but the most honest moment for me was her argument that she couldn't meet Estes because it would violate her routine.  As someone who is bipolar and trying to remain healthy that struck incredibly true.  You set these little rules and habits of daily life to keep stress levels low and become,

The smile was fantastic but the most honest moment for me was her argument that she couldn't meet Estes because it would violate her routine.  As someone who is bipolar and trying to remain healthy that struck incredibly true.  You set these little rules and habits of daily life to keep stress levels low and become,

Stability turning to instability.  That was a, "ooh I'm feeling a giddy rush of mania" look

Stability turning to instability.  That was a, "ooh I'm feeling a giddy rush of mania" look

Her insistence that it was her day to cook was actually a really awesome little detail.  When you're bipolar, part of trying to stay healthy is having a very set routine.  I literally had a conversation last week with someone where I was adamant I couldn't do something because it fucked with my set routine for that

Her insistence that it was her day to cook was actually a really awesome little detail.  When you're bipolar, part of trying to stay healthy is having a very set routine.  I literally had a conversation last week with someone where I was adamant I couldn't do something because it fucked with my set routine for that

I usually don't mind typos in things like reviews, where I care more about it being timely than perfectly written but the typos here are horrible. They actively inhibit understanding what the writer is trying to say. I feel like a quick cursory run through is the least that can be expected for this kind of site.